View Full Version : feeling very hot!!!!!

30-08-10, 02:42
:weep:i need some help ive been feeling realy hot for 2 days now its my face and hands and feet ...its realy freaking me out almost feels either my body is on fire or i have a sunburn its so awfull iam setting right in front of my fan and iam still burning up i did take my tempture and its normal please help!!!

30-08-10, 02:56
Hi Jess Hun

I know when I am feeling very anxious etc my face etc gets really hot. I'm sure its all to do with adrenalin and the more you worry the more adrenalin you release so makes it even hotter. Not sure of your age hun (and I won't be rude and ask lol) just wondered if it could be hormonal or to do with the dreaded menopause!! I know I suffer that also and its horrible.

Take care hun and I hope you feel a little better soon

luv Tracy

30-08-10, 03:21
hun iam 31 lol...and i thought about menopause to can i go threw it this early i hope not....my hole body feels hot and i have no temp...its like i can feel the heat coming off of mee

30-08-10, 10:43
I've felt like I'm burning since waking in the early hours saturday after starting sertraline and it's still not passed, my temp is normal, I'm also feeling quite ill and it's really getting me down, I only took 1, surely side effects wouldn't last this long

30-08-10, 15:35
this is awfull hun i woke up this moring super cold then all at onces i turn hot again so hun were i feel like i cant breathe its werid iam setting in front of the fan as i type ans iam feeling so hot does anyone think this is just anx please comment

30-08-10, 16:31
I feel for you, do you constantly feel like you're on fire? Cos I do. I wake up feeling normal and within minutes it's back. I also keep having what I presume are panic attacks where I feel like I'm not getting enough air and during them I go like icy cold.

31-08-10, 20:35
thank u for ur reply it helps me alot knowing someone eles has this also ....

01-09-10, 03:22
Hi Jess

I definately think its anxiety and adrenalin. I had heard that some people have started menopausal symptons in their early 30's. I myself had some hot flushed back when i was in my late 20's. I had no idea what they were but because i've had them recently, they are the exact same. I know its hormonal etc. Perhaps our hormones go out of whack with anxiety also so it gives us similar symptons.

You're not alone hun
