View Full Version : Hi what can I do

30-08-10, 10:57
My partner suffers severe anxiety and panic attacks and fears meeting new people and even friends.
It is affecting us as we are having to cancel things the lastest being a holiday to Cyprus that we both need.
I do not understand as I luckly to not suffer this.
Any advise or help would be great.
I don't know what to do and don't want to lose him.

30-08-10, 10:58
Hi samadensam

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

30-08-10, 11:04
Ta must edit user name its sam and need help with this as I love my partner and cannot bear to see him suffer

30-08-10, 11:07
Hi Sam, has your partner discussed this with his GP or had any counselling before? x

Fly away Katie
30-08-10, 21:00
Hi Sam, welcome to NMP. Im sure you will get loads ofsupport here xxx

Vanilla Sky
30-08-10, 21:27
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

30-08-10, 23:40
He has spoken to GP who gave him tablets and the couselling seemed not to get to the crux of the cause what next

30-08-10, 23:42
Hi Sam, has your partner discussed this with his GP or had any counselling before? x
He has spoken to GP who gave him tablets and the couselling seemed not to get to the crux of the cause what next

Kipepeo Girl
02-09-10, 20:27
Hi Sam. It's great that you want to support your partner.

It sounds like his problems are similar to mine, so I'll advise you with what helps me in these situations.
Though first of all, I would suggest you ask him exactly what it is he is afraid of - what is causing the anxiety or panic attack. For example, what does he think will happen in each situation. If he is scared he will have a panic attack, what is it he thinks will happen if he does have one. Then you could talk about the possibilities, such as: if he does have a panic attack, the two of you can leave the situation until it has passed, or, if it doesn't, you can go home.
The main goal for someone who is having a panic attack in public is to escape; either temporarily until they've calmed down, or permanently.

03-09-10, 11:30
Hi, did he go back to the GP? and what did they suggest? :)

03-09-10, 13:13
Hi Sam,

Your partner is very lucky to have your support. Do not underestimate the importance of that. He will need your reassurance.
I would suggest trying to do some research into anxiety and the causes of it. I have found that self help is the name of the game when it comes to anxiety.
If your partner is like me then he may be caught in a cycle of fear i.e. anxiety about feeling anxious. It's finding a way to stop the cycle. I am battling with an episode of anxiety myself at the moment.

I think the key is to relax and accept the feelings of anxiety and not to be afraid of them. They will eventually fade away. They are physical sensations that cannot harm you no matter how unpleasant they are. This is easier said than done - I wish it were that simple.

Things that help me: keeping busy (reading & watching tv), trying to carry on as normal, carry some mints & water & a plastic bag with you in case of nausea & sickness, fresh air, exercise & trying to think positive!

I would recommend reading "Self Help for Your Nerves" by Claire Weekes. She speaks alot of sense and I have found her book very helpful and comforting.

Good luck


04-09-10, 21:34
I can see You have a very good relationship and Very lucky to have a friend like you .but please Do more exercise and relax , do not give herself too great pressure

05-09-10, 20:26
He is going to try counsling but we have been there before