View Full Version : worried please help

30-08-10, 13:03
hi im constantly worried i have bowel cancer despite a clear colonoscopy 2 and half years ago this morning when i went for a poo tmi i noticed some mucus with a small amount of blood in it im now really upset i do have internal piles do you think it could be from them is it possible to get a small amount of mucusy blood from internal piles i also have external piles im so obsessed with my bowel movement its ruining my life im so miserable:weep:

30-08-10, 14:39
internal piles are awful I suffered with them a few years back and yes they can and do cause blood in the poo-I had a small procedure at the hospital to have them removed. However if your still not happy dont stop badgering your gp until your comfortable again

30-08-10, 15:34
Hi, I am having a flexible sigmoidoscopy tomorrow for the same problem....well, may have to cancel as not been well so not sure if they will carry it out. My consultant believes it is internal piles....I get mucus and blood regularly and have for some time. The reason I am having the test is to remove the piles if I have them (obviously it's always reassuring to get the all clear with everything else too!). But it definitely sounds like internal piles x

30-08-10, 22:50
thanx to both of you and i hope your sigmoidoscopy goes well let me know how you get on im sure you will be fine

31-08-10, 13:07
so you can get mucus as well as blood with internal piles i didnt know that x