View Full Version : Im stuck and feeling worse, is it an obsession?

30-08-10, 15:42
My anxiety has been really bad for the last 6 weeks. I havent seemed to have more than a couple of days break from it.
I think it some ways it has become an obsession, i cant seem to forget about it. It seems its all i can think about in all situations, this includes going to France for a week (Jeez it was a HARD week) and being constantly busy with the children.
Im about half way through a course of CBT and im wondering if this has made me even more aware of my anxiety all the time?
Its as though my mind is completely stuck in a groove and that im not living im just surviving - behind a sheet of glass which stops me being in the same world as everyone else, im so detached! Sorry if this sounds nuts!
I just need some ideas on how to work through this.
Im still on the same medication i also have been and nothing else has dramatically changed but anxiety / panic seems to now be an even greater part of my life than before! How can i break this habit? If thats what it is?

Im getting quite desperate and could do with some advise? People please?
C xxxxxx :(

30-08-10, 15:55
Hi totally understand where your coming from i feel stuck to and wonder am i doing this to myself??
My anxietys bad feel like im going mad feel diffrent to everyone else,scared they will cart me off...
Im not much help i know but i can sympathise...xx

Fly away Katie
30-08-10, 20:47
I've been there in the past... and I'm now there again :(
I totallyunderstand the feeling of being behind glass from the world.. trapped in your own little world of anxiety and panic. Itsa horrible feeling :(
I got better last time I was like this, and the only thing I really remember was taking my mind away with activities.. and spending time with friends and seeing the normal way they live rubbs off on you after a while :)
Also,well done for realising it is a habit. and no more then a habit. Because thats what it is... Realising is the first step to being on the mend.
You have to reealise that its stupid, and that you need a new habit or a hobbie to transfix on :)
Hope I helped sweetie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

31-08-10, 00:24
Totally can relate and feel I'm going mad even without physical symptoms I know it's there eating away at me. It's like I'll get little buzzes of adrenaline when I feel fear for no reason.

Can anyone else relate?

31-08-10, 22:31
OMG this is me to a tee. I've been like this for a year now, stuck in a cycle of anxiety and panic. Feels like nothing changes, ever since i suffered a huge panic attack due to putting myself under to much stress i have suffered with this obsession. Doesn't help that i have OCD, this probably makes it worse. Due to the continued feelings of anxiety i have since developed depression which makes me feel like i'll never get better and whats the point in being here anymore. All in all its been a tough year, heres hoping it gets better. Any advice would be appreciated.

01-09-10, 12:55
Ditto any advice would be great as I am just like you lard!