View Full Version : anxious all day

30-08-10, 16:26
Hi does anybody else wake up in a panic attack?? everyday i wake like this it settles down for a bit,but feel strange anxious allday!!! any advice would be good just want my life back....

30-08-10, 18:49
hi wendy

i am still like this after having come back from a major set back in march - i initially improved a great deal but then wasn't getting worse but wasn't getting better - i still felt anxious all day. however - after 3 months of really trying to accept this - it has started to lift and so i think its just time and patience and the anxiety returning every few hours and then only every few days and so on.

i have had the week from hell (lost my puppy tragically and had 2 other dogs at deaths door plus had been on holiday which was a massive anxiety inducer for me) and so all considering - i feel i am doing quite well x

30-08-10, 19:47
Hi thanks for your reply sorry to hear about your dogs..

I to have been like this since march with one good week im trying really hard to accept this as anxiety reading the books etc but feel like im losing it..

30-08-10, 20:36
hi - i think the case is that you can think you are being accepting but not being truly accepting. also - watching your thought patterns helps - you may be thinking things like - god - when will this ever end etc and so piling more adrenalin on - i am sure it will lift soon xx