View Full Version : overcame my fears re going on holiday and my dog died tragically when i was away

30-08-10, 18:45
i just wanted others to know that we often think we cannot cope with things when we have anxiety but that we do have mega reserves of inner strength. last wednesday i went on holiday with my mum for 4 days to scotland - i was so proud of myself as literally every time i have been away i have either been physically ill or had a breakdown. i did feel very anxious at times but dealt with it. Ironically - my poor brother and his wife were up there (we joined them) having a holiday after they lost their own 2 year old spaniel unexpectedly.

the last night i was there - my husband rang in tears to say 3 out of our 4 dogs were critically ill at the vets after having picked up poison. we lost our lovely puppy within hours and the other 2 came home yesterday after literally being at deaths door - a vet nurse did not leave their side for 48 hrs. one is still poorly and we are not sure if they will be left with health problems. it was a horrible end to the holiday and my brother and his wife were in tears because not only were they upset for me - they had only lost their dog the week before and it brought it all back.

i had been feeling so upset for my brother and his wife and now this happens. i had also recently come down to 5m citalopram and dealing with daily anxiety and the aftermath of an overactive thyroid last year plus my husband has had his hours cut at work.

on the positive side however - it has really shown me that life is unpredictable and actually what you worry about rarely happens - it is the things you don;t worry about that do! and so it really is important to live in the moment and to try and save our anxiety for when bad things really happen. i am so so sad our youngest dog died but i could have been taking all three to the pet crematorium. i have taken the odd beta blocker but am really proud of myself for holding myself together x

30-08-10, 19:25
Hi - Just wanted to say that I am so sorry for your doggy...I hope they were not poisons on purpose!!! I have lost dogs so I know your pain.

Well done for going on your holiday!

Take care

30-08-10, 20:38
thanks ambers - no - someone negligent leaving a bag of slug bait where it shouldn't have been - rushed them all to the vet immediately but could not save the youngest. thanks for your kind words x

30-08-10, 20:50
Sorry to hear about your dogs. I hope the 2 that survived make a full recovery.
I just wanted to say well done for coping with all of this. Going on holiday is a big thing to do!

Veronica H
30-08-10, 20:53
:bighug1:Sorry to hear this, but glad the other dogs have pulled through. Stay strong.


31-08-10, 00:17
Hi joannap,

I'm so sorry about your dog :hugs:

Well done for coping. I agree, it shows an inner strength...

You take good care of yourself and those dogs.


31-08-10, 02:47
I know how sad it is to lose a pet we love but to lose one so young must have been truly terrible for you.:bighug1:

There was a hedgehog that was visiting the garden and I really enjoyed watching him until one day he was ill. I tried to save him but he didn't survive. They say it was almost certainly slug pellet poisoning.....and yet there are slug pellets which are just as effective which are totally harmless to animals...so why are wildlife and much loved pets still being lost so needlessly!?!:shrug:

I can remember one day our dog started drooling. I took him to the vets and he thought he probably had an allergic reaction to something such as a toad! However, when I got home I suddenly realised he'd been eating slug pellets that I'd sprinkled....but I had used harmless pellets knowing what he was like! When I checked the label, it did warn they could be an irritant as they contained salt! At least he wasn't poisoned though.

He lived to over 15 years old until we lost him just before last Christmas.

My heart sincerely goes to you and your husband because I'll always remember how upset I was when I lost "my best friend".:bighug1:

31-08-10, 18:34
thanks guys for your kind replies. lola seems back to her bouncy self. emily still poorly - she has 2 abseccess now and is still very wobbly but after 24 hours of fitting - her muscles must have feel like they have run a marathon! hopefully she continues to improve xx