View Full Version : need reassurance

30-08-10, 19:46
does anyone else experience dull headaches and just generally feel really rubbish and run down? i also ache in my chest, shoudlers and back. I know this is probably normal but i'm just scared. i keep thinking that there might be something really wrong with me. i went to a & e a few weeks ago, where they did an ecg and a chest xray which where both fine. i know this should put my mind at rest but i guess it's not that easy. i went back to work today after 2 weeks off sick with panic and anxiety and it went well. i was relatively calm all day and just felt a few aches and pains. but now i've been home and tried to chill out i now feel awful again. this is driving me mad. just want to know that other people might have experienced these sort of symptoms too? xxx

30-08-10, 20:19
Sounds just like my symptoms, I know all my aches pains are due being tight and tense with the anxiety but it still doesn't stop me worring about them! I just think that being tense all the time and worrying takes its toll on your body, making you feel bad!

30-08-10, 20:40
i have that

30-08-10, 20:43
stupid anxiety sypmtoms just progressed into a full on panic attack. i just don't get it. makes me feel slightly better tho that u guys get the same sort of symptoms. not that it's a good thing but nice to know im not alone. xxx

30-08-10, 21:20
I feel like that most days too... :(

30-08-10, 21:24
my chest hurts all the time, i think its my heart but i really know its coz im tense and cant relax... take care :)