View Full Version : just had a panic attack

30-08-10, 20:48
argh im really struggling. been feeling quite anxious all night. just tried to eat something and halfway thru just had a full on panic attack. i feel so low. i really thought things were picking up. havent had one for nearly 2 weeks and was back at work today and felt pretty much fine. just feel so set back now. and i have this really sharp tight pain in the middle of my chest. at least im well supported. my partner just ran over to me and held me the whole way through it so i know i should be grateful and look at how lucky i am. positive thinking. xx

30-08-10, 20:54
thats what this was a set back that shows you are on the road to recovery it yjey do not last as long all though the feelings feel the same they are not and with each setback you will feel stronger keep smiling

30-08-10, 21:05
Hi sarah .. The main thing here is you have good support from your partner to help you get through this and you will .. i myself suffer with the panic attacks and anxiety .. im just going through the same sort of thing at the moment i was getting well again a week or so back and just had a set back in the last few days but im always saying to myself its just a blip as they say and be back to feeling well again in no time .. i get all sorts of symptons such as the pains in the chest as you mention with the anxiety / panic .. a common sypmton... try having a word with your GP if you havent already ..i try to do some relaxtion techniques / breathing exercise which can help .. its easy for me to say but tell yourself the panic attack isnt going to hurt you and will pass .. take care and get well ..Tony :)

so shaky
30-08-10, 21:20
Hi Sarah thats right a setback means you had moved forward a lot so feel glad about that and you are quite right you have a great partner so be glad about that too! Breathing exercises really help - someone told me that you should try to breathe out for twice as long as you breath in - this was a revelation to me and really helped.

I just bought a meditation cd and book today because i had an attack ysterday and i just tried it out and it was lovely. its worth giving it a go to find out what suits you :)

30-08-10, 21:33
Hi Sarah

I know exactly how you feel! Eating has never affected me until about two weeks ago...I am scared to eat in case I choke or am allergic to whatever I am eating I am also scared to eat anything remotely fatty in case I have a heart attack. I spoke to my doc about it and she said that I had to rationalise these fears as they are never likely to happen.

Do you know what you were thinking about when you had the panic attack?

It is really good that your partner understands and is able to help you through it. My hubby is great with me and is the one person I feel 100% safe around. Cant be good for him as I feel like I put a lot of pressure on him but he handles it great.

I hope you are okay now.