View Full Version : Hi...newbie!

30-08-10, 21:28
Hi :-)

I am new to this site so thought I would introduce myself...

My name is Ailsa and I am 26 years old. I have a husband, Jamie, of five years and little boy, Zac, who is 2 and a half.

I started getting panic attacks about 7 years ago when I was at my old job and getting bullied. I got IBS and had no idea what was happening to me...since that first panic attack things have never been the same :-(

I managed to gain control of the panic attacks until I fell pregnant. When I was pregnant I got so bad and just after having Zac I also had it really bad and developed pre and post natal depression.

I now find myself suffering really badly. Most of my panic is health related. I have really bad health anxiety and there is no real cause for it. For example I was at work today and a woman collapsed across the road. Lots of people were around her and helping her but it made me completely panic. I thought "if that could happen to her then that could happen to me" - do you know what I mean?!

I have actually looked on this site a cpl of weeks ago as I have diazapam to take if I am really bad and had never had to take them but after coming on here and hearing what people had to say about it last Sunday when I was really bad I decided to take it. It helped but not massively. I actually find Rescue Remedy better!!

So that is me! I hope to make friends who are going through similar things to me as it is so difficult to tell other people who have never suffered as they find it so hard to understand it!

Sorry for long message!


30-08-10, 21:29
Hi Ails:-)

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

30-08-10, 22:01

Im cheryl, 26 and im new as well. recently suffered with major depression and anxiety and i also have been looking at this site for information. its good to see people sharing.
i think that depression and anxiety are underestimated in this country. when i was having panic attacks i literally felt like that i couldnt control my life and was losing my mind. im on good medication now - escitalopram - which has vastly improved my state of mind.
if you ever want to talk im a good listener,

cheryl xx

30-08-10, 22:20
Hi Cheryl and Nicola

Thank you for replies :-) .

I havent heard of that medication? What does it do?! I am currently changing from sertraline to citralapam. I only changed lst weds so not noticed a massive change as yet but the doc reckons these are better for the panic.

I would definitely agree that depression and anxiety is underestimated in this country!

It will take me ages to get used to this site so bear with me lol! xxx

30-08-10, 22:35

its almost the same to citalopram but slightly more effective apparently (from what ive read about it online) but basically it does the same job. im the same i just cant get used to using forums :)
with citalopram (which ive also taken) i felt a sense of calm and well being throughout the treatment. i initially went on 10mg then went up to 20mg for a while. i honestly believe those tablets saved me from a truly awful depression.

31-08-10, 10:41
I havent heard of that medication? What does it do?! I am currently changing from sertraline to citralapam. I only changed lst weds so not noticed a massive change as yet but the doc reckons these are better for the panic. I would definitely agree that depression and anxiety is underestimated in this country! i think that depression and anxiety are underestimated in this country. when i was having panic attacks i literally felt like that i couldnt control my life and was losing my mind. im on good medication now - escitalopram - which has vastly improved my state of mind.