View Full Version : What's your ideas on this?

becks xxx
31-08-10, 00:32
I'm in the last year of school now, and never had a clue what i wanted to do when i left. The past few weeks i really am beginning to feel like im getting somewhere with my anxiety and not experiencing panic in a good few months im hoping it's gone for good. Anyway through my experiences ive gone onto the idea of wanting to help people who have to go through the same, and going through it myself i, like all of us have a better understanding that people who have learned from textbooks.
But im in 2 minds, once ive got rid of this nasty thing, do i leave it at that? Or help others who are going through this but then it'll still be spoke about in my life forever? Also, can you get jobs just with anxiety? or would it be dealing with mental illnesses such as shizophrenia, bipolar etc? Thanks for replies in advance x

31-08-10, 08:55
Hi Becks. I often wonder the same thing. Could i help people without it reminding me I have a problem? Or would it trigger me to panic again?!
I suggest giving one of the mental health charities a call and seeing what they suggest about it.

31-08-10, 10:53
I suggest doing some volunteering in this area before you commit to studying whatever you'd need to for that career then you can see how it would affect you. You've got plenty time to figure out what you want to do.
hope you find your ideal career :)

expecto patronum
31-08-10, 14:50
Maybe you could consider ways of helping other than being a therapist; there are mental health charities that focus more on campaigning for change rather than offering actual support in the form of therapy; this could even be a better way to make a difference to people living with mental illness. There's one charity called Young Minds which I think look really good, they campaign for better mental health support and awareness for children up to young people of (I think) 25, which is great because the earlier mental health issues are dealt with the better. It might be worth checking out their site for volunteering opportunities etc. www.youngminds.org.uk (http://www.youngminds.org.uk)
Best wishes, Ros