View Full Version : Anyone use codydramol for anxiety?

31-08-10, 02:53
I took one earlier and my IBS and anxiety went within 30 minutes, the pill lasted for about 6 hours.

I only took 10mg. I am not sure if this is good or bad, am I on antidepressents - no. Will they prescribe anti-anxiety meds - no.

I was able to go out for a walk, not be anxious and my mind stopped racing. I was able to have a good talk with my girlfriend and hold hands like we used to, we then watched tv together.

Should I carry on using these for anxiety?

31-08-10, 07:56
No hun. Don't use them for anxiety they have a codiene derivative in them which is an opiate. Maybe find a different gp to see regarding meds. X

31-08-10, 20:15
I took one earlier and my IBS and anxiety went within 30 minutes, the pill lasted for about 6 hours.

I only took 10mg. I am not sure if this is good or bad, am I on antidepressents - no. Will they prescribe anti-anxiety meds - no.

I was able to go out for a walk, not be anxious and my mind stopped racing. I was able to have a good talk with my girlfriend and hold hands like we used to, we then watched tv together.

Should I carry on using these for anxiety?


I'm sorry you seem to be saddled with an unhelpful doc, perhaps there is someone else in the practice you can see?

What I feel I should say though is that as previously mentioned, you are taking small doses of an opiate derivative. Apart from the fact that it's really not the right thing to be doing in terms of anxiety, it will also affect your bowel habits and I see that you have IBS.

Codiene causes constipation if taken on a regular basis and as you have IBS, you are going to have problems if you continue taking it regularly.

If the worst comes to the worst, maybe you should consider changing your doc if you can't get the help you need at your present surgery.

Good luck :flowers:

31-08-10, 20:25
No you should avoid. Opiates can cause mild euphoria and as mentioned come with side effects.

I wouldn't recommend anyone on this site using it as a mood-stabiliser.