View Full Version : anyone else up?

31-08-10, 03:24
i had high hopes for tonight having felt so much calmer today but here i am up again, woken up after my 2 hours sleep feeling panicky. Ive taken an extra betablocker, as i was prescribed 1-2 three times daily and i know the max dose is much higher, and ive also just taken a zopiclone to try and get me back to sleep.
I think i get frightened purely by the fact that i am awake and anxiety instantly kicks in making me think why etc.
I usually work nights when im working so maybe this plays a part?
Im not so bad tonight, able to sit here in the garden and type this rather than my usual pacing.
I just feel desperate for a full nights sleep!

31-08-10, 08:51
Hi alice. I hope by now youre in the land of sleep having sweet dreams. Ive found that whilst my anxiety is at its worst that I would have nocturnal panic attacks too. I would wake up right in the middle of a full blown attack. When youre anxiety drops down during the day youll start to sleep through the night again.
Try to get yourself as relaxed as possible before bed time :)

31-08-10, 10:24
well, i only slept another 2 bloody hours after the sleeping pill. Idont feel as good as yesterday when i started betablockers, that felt like a turning point but today im all jittery again and feel frightened ill end up like i was on sunday.
I honestly feel so desperate to be how i used to be, this has floored me.

31-08-10, 14:34
How are you feeling now Alice? Hope you're feeling a bit better.Why don't you try and have a nap. I feel calmer sleeping through the day than I do at night.

31-08-10, 15:28
Alice it might help you to get some of the anxiety out of your system today.
Try having a bath or shower and make yourself take time. no rushing allowed. I find a shower always helps to rid my body of the tremors.
Plan a nice evening with a romantic movie or a comdey. No horror or thrillers! Eat chocolate!!
Then do relaxation or meditation when you get in bed.

31-08-10, 19:28
Plan a nice evening with a romantic movie or a comdey. No horror or thrillers! Eat chocolate!!
Then do relaxation or meditation when you get in bed.

I am a huge horror film fan and of rollercoaster rides. Since I started getting these attacks, I know I have to totally avoid both. So annoying but I totally see why I should avoid them and other half is pleased, he doesn't like either but had to endure them for me!

31-08-10, 19:29
well, i only slept another 2 bloody hours after the sleeping pill. Idont feel as good as yesterday when i started betablockers, that felt like a turning point but today im all jittery again and feel frightened ill end up like i was on sunday.
I honestly feel so desperate to be how i used to be, this has floored me.

How are you Alice? Can you see your GP again? xxx

31-08-10, 22:53
seeing gp tomorrow am, going to plead for sedation as right now i cant get through the day let alone the night. Its horrid when you feel dead on your feet but dread bedtime!

02-09-10, 14:16
I am new to this site & just by reading everyones posts feel better in the fact im not alone in how i am feeling ......Your posts Alice i can really relate to it sounds like you experience the same kinda things as me ......I have always been an anxious person but hav always lived with it but about 6 weeks ago my doctor prescribed me citralpram & i had a really bad reaction to it which sent my anxiety through the roof & my everyday life has been awful ever since :o( ..... cannot sleep at all having such vivid horrible dreams when i do doze off for short periods of time & the night time panic is awful !!!
I am a very strong minded person & have been trying to get through every day the best i can but just as i think im having a good day i have a really bad night &im back to square 1 again ......Feeling so tired & in a world of my own last few days would be so nice to have a decent nights sleep !!

Julie x

02-09-10, 19:57
Hi Julie, yes that does sound like we have had similar experiences, Sunday was a real low for me and I hope and pray not to ever be that anxious again.
I have at last had a good nights sleep last night after the new drug that my doctor has given me, Olanzapine. I have even felt pretty calm all day today compared with yesterday.
Are you still taking the citalopram? I almost gave up with the sertraline as it seemed to make me worse, but I am glad now tht I stuck with it as I know it helped a lot in the past.
I have found this site an absolute life saver, there are so many lovely people that understand what you are going through and willing to listen and offer advise, I am sure you will be made welcome here x

03-09-10, 00:01
I have at last had a good nights sleep last night after the new drug that my doctor has given me, Olanzapine. I have even felt pretty calm all day today compared with yesterday.

Glad it is working for you. It is really working for me, it re-trains your brain to think logically, instead of the opposite. It is slow release and is non-addictive. Really happy with it at the moment.