View Full Version : Indigestion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

31-08-10, 04:52
I've just had a panic attack over Heart Burn :=( , for a brief moment I went into a mad panic, How strange is that! I know it's heart burn but something in my brain just flipped and I'm not sure why....... I hate this anxiety..... I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TIRED.

jUST HAVING A RANT.............................................. .............

31-08-10, 09:57
OMG LOL. That happens to me all the time!! Most recently last night lool I thought I was the only one to panic over heart burn! I know its perfectly normal and not related to your heart at all, but cuz of where it is I go mad over it lol. I think its cuz my anxiety is very heart focused.! :D xxx

31-08-10, 19:49
OH MY GOSH ME TOO! I Have been having really bad heart burn constantly for the last week even when i havent eaten its horrid...
gotten really worried about it !