View Full Version : I'm back and so is my HA

31-08-10, 09:33
Well after a lovely holiday I seem to be suffering again. I know that I have ignored these symptoms whilst I have been away.

Since I had my heart problem issues cleared up I seem to have focused again on brain tumours. It seems more and more I am worrying about it.

For the past few months I have been getting black spots quickly appear in my vision every so often.

I have been getting numb big toes - I can feel stuff but they feel a little odd and tingly. Then the other day my thumbs also went a bit tingly.

I am sure my tongue isn't completely straight when I stick it out which I heard was a symptom and then the past few days I have had headaches and real bad pressure in my ears and head with my ears feeling really full and like they're ringing.

I am staring to get a bit worked up about it now. Can anyone expalin any of this?

31-08-10, 09:51
I get the black spot appearin in my eye lately, but I can nevaa look at it cuz it vanishes when I try to! Grr.. so annoyin. I also get the bad pressure and the really bad headaches, espcially round my left eye which is the problem eye (the black spot in that eye an it hurts etc)

I also think the worst (that I av a tumor behind it) but in all honesty I spend way too much time lookin at screens when I know I need glasses cuz I can't read the tele if theres writin on it like subtitles or summin. Also I've been very anxious an tense latley so that probs adds to it!. Maybe you can relate to that? :) xxx

31-08-10, 19:07

31-08-10, 19:09
Lol wow that's quite rude.

31-08-10, 19:23
Oh gosh, so sorry, I don't know where the rest of my message went *blushes*

Rest of message went something as follows - Do you think yours is more of a floater? As they dissapear when you look at them.

I haven't been very anxious recently but the black spot remains. I think I'm worrying about it because my friend whose mum had a bleed on the brain (she's fine now btw) said she now gets a black spot every so often.

31-08-10, 20:35
Lol! It's ok I'm very sorry for snappin :D

So your black spot stays when you look at it? Mine don't go away til I physcially try to look straight at it, it stays around. I spoke to my mum and sister about it and they've both said they get it too, my mum says she gets them all the time ones that don't go away if you look, they jus appear. I think it's one of those things where there could be a number of causes of them, bleed on the brain being one of the more severe (spelling? :s), while simple things like eye strain/migranes etc could cause them too. Have you tried poppin to the opticians at all when you've got time? I keep meaning to go but keep chickening out lol! :(

31-08-10, 21:47
Hmm, actually it does stay there and then goes after a few seconds, so maybe when I move my eye. I don't get them all the time but I can get a few a day. The Dr said migraine when I mentioned it before but I know what a migraine aura is like and it's nothing like it and also it doesn't stay, it comes and goes.

I'm waiting to go to the opticians. I am due an app in about Oct time so have been waiting till then. They didn't see anything last time. Perhaps it's just nerves firing off. I don't have any issues with my eyes other than that. I can see fine, don't need glasses and don't have any blurriness or anything.

First off I thought it was perhaps something that came when I stood up too quick etc but it doesn't seem to be so. They can just appear when I'm sat still, not moving my eyes or anything.

I did google it - I know that's a no no - but in actual fact Dr google didn't bring up anything sinister for me.

31-08-10, 22:13
Mm I get mine when my eyes bin not movin for a while I think it's jus one of those things. Don't worry I give in to Dr Google now an again too lol force of habit eh,. :blush:

Anyway I was thinkin bout your other symptoms like the big toes an that, with your big toes it's often if your focusing on them or wondering if theyre tingly they start to become tingly cuz you notice stuff you wouldnt notice before if you get me, llike if your feet are cold naturally goes tingly etc. Like I have a lot of issues with my left arm going numb and tingly cuz my health anx is centred around my heart, but if I sit an focus on my right arm it does the same eventually. I jus checked my tounge too an mine isnt completely straight either. Left side is more sticky outy (I'm bad at explainin lool sry) I guess no ones tounge is completely straight though! Hope you feel better soon xxx

31-08-10, 22:33
That makes a lot of sense. That used to happen to me when I focused on my heart too. I don't notice the tingling when I don't think about it, but it is a little odd. Maybe I just have something trapped somewhere.

My tongue has been a concern for me for a while as it has a dent on one side of it and the other side is higher. Again I can't explain well either, lol.

01-09-10, 09:55
Hi dodo

Sorry to hear that you're suffering again. I see someone else has already mentioned floaters in your vision. I have these most of the time, but I only tend to notice them if I'm in bright light or I'm feeling very stressed.

The tingling might actually be that you're hyperventilating a bit, as you end up with too much carbon dioxide in your body, making your fingers and toes feel odd. It's very easy to hyperventilate and not notice it (on the other hand, I tend to hold my breath when I'm anxious, which is really not a good idea!).

It's a very good idea to go to the opticians, as there is all sorts of things that they can check suring the eye exam, which I'm sure will help to put your mind at rest.


02-09-10, 21:44
Hi blueangel.

No I don't think it's hyperventilation, it's not the same sort of feeling. My thumbs are a bit better today. In fact I woke this morning and had been sleeping on my shoulder and my thumb and index finger were numb so I am pretty sure I might have something trapped in my neck or shoulder again. It's just the toes, it's a wierd thing. I wonder if perhaps it has anything to do with my back or perhaps my feet.

03-09-10, 09:50
Hi again

It could just be the position you're sleeping in; I get numb fingers very often as I have trapped nerves in both my elbows. My GP said he could send me for surgery to correct it, but says he wouldn't have it done himself as it's really painful afterwards!

03-09-10, 16:37
I got it a lot when I was pregnant and it went away after a few months afterwards, but it seems after a while I do something to get the nerve trapped again and it starts it off again. I know my neck and shoulders are very stuff at the moment.

I'm really starting to get worried about my eyes though, I do hope I don't start focusing on it now I have noticed it. Really must make an eye test but Im a bit scared to go :(