View Full Version : Anxious to the point of can't handle food

31-08-10, 13:08
Hi all,

I've always had an issue with food/drink when I'm nervous/anxious/worried..
but lately it feels like it's really bad. When I have even the smallest worry on my mind.. I can't eat :S I can't even be in the same room as food, without being physically sick.

Does anybody else have this problem? I'm a curvy girl so.. I have no problems with food/eating when things are all ok.

I just feel so so weak and drained and ...sick :/
and I know, it's always going to make me feel that way; no fuel in my engine!

I wish I could just eat when I'm sad also, I don't see how or why it should affect my need for survival.

thoughts? anyone the same..?


31-08-10, 13:48
Yea I've been feelin REALLY sick past 3 weeks or so since my anx has come back. Thought of food is very unappealing I've hardly eaten at all! When I had a bad panic attack the other week OMG I felt so so sick afterwards it was awful. You should have a read of the symtpoms thing on the left hand side, it explains what causes you to feel so sick all the time. :) xxx

31-08-10, 14:44
Oh so sorry, I didn't think to look. Thanks for the reply.

x x

31-08-10, 15:00
Don't be sorry! I didn't notice it til someone pointed it out to me :D I jus find it nice to read through sometimes to reassure myself. Hope you feel better soon! xxxx

07-09-10, 15:21

I'm exactly the same. My anxiety always hits my stomach. I've barely eaten a thing in just over a week. In fact today is the first day that I've not been sick. I just keep trying to drink what I can to try to build up my calories. I'm sure that the lack of food & nutrition can't help but it's something that I have no control over. Normally I love my food aswell!

I just keep trying to tell myself that it's baby steps - just do what you can, when you can

07-09-10, 15:27
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii....im not eating properly have lost loads of weight....and this is so not good as before all this started i was only 7stone 9 lbs...now i dread to think...my clothes are hanging off me....shopping trip i think.
for me...and maybe you guys are the same...i can eat better in the evenings....mornings are a complete no no.....but today as the anxiety was so high i took a diaz and i was able to have a sandwich and a bag of crisps.
i do hope we can all start eating properly.....it does us no good does it not being able too...the right nutriants are so so important...but if we cant we cant.

love to all xxxxxx

08-09-10, 20:59
My doctor has given me diazepan so I have some control over my anxiety and I can eat. I have only been sick once but feel sick and my stomach feels "hot" whenever I have anxiety so most of the time - reading the bit at the side that makes sense as it'll be the acid.

Fly away Katie
08-09-10, 22:31
Hello. Just wanted to say that ive been off my food recently aswel. And im skin and bone as it is.. so its really not good.. i usually eat TONS, but when i worrie like mad about something, I cant eat. I dont fancy food. I felt sick as a dog thismorning when I put a simple piece of bread in the toaster x x x xx x :hugs::hugs::hugs:

08-09-10, 23:26
im going to get some complan tomorrow..my chemist up the road has ordered it for me and i can collect it.

its full of nutrients so hopefully i can stomach this xxxx just a suggestion if not been able to eat food xxxx

09-09-10, 12:00
Complan is a really good idea, calm...I used it when I couldn't eat and at least it stopped me worrying quite so much about not eating.