View Full Version : Red Spots - Please Help, Im petrified!

31-08-10, 16:19

Over the last few months I've had some very small red spots appear on my arms and shoulders (nowhere else on my body)

They sort of look like red small moles.

I'm absolutley petrified as they have come from nowhere and I think I have something serioisly wrong with me.

Anyone else had this....???


31-08-10, 17:06
I have some little red spots which look like specs of blood but are there all the time. I get them on my arms. Im not sure what they are but I've always had them. Not sure if it's the same thing you have. Is it itchy, dry or uncomfortable?

31-08-10, 17:09
I do believe its acne in my experience. And when its all down your back, its known as backne. Not really, but there you go. The shoulders and back are quite greasy and prone to spots, especially on teenagers. I wouldn't be surprised if an adult had some too.
Or chicken pox...

31-08-10, 17:39
They are called Campbell De Morgan spots if they are there permanently and are like bright red dots usually on your amrs and upper body. they are completely harmless and you get more as you age! I have had them since I was in my early 20's and at 49 yrs old have loads of them all over my arms and upper body.

don't mix them up with burst blood spots under the skin these look totally different as they are darker red maroon colour and are very def under the skin not on top of.

31-08-10, 19:06
Wow, nice to have a name for them as I have some on my tummy and always wondered what they were. I thought they turned into moles but I've had a few now just below my bra line.