View Full Version : I've been Anxiety free for months but it's coming back.

31-08-10, 17:13
I posted in here earlier in the year in the health Anxiety forum as following the death of my Father I become convinced that I was showing symptoms of the same horrible disease that took his life (Motor Neurons). Through seeing a counselor once a week and keeping myself busy with various sports I have been able to have about 5 months now where I’ve not felt anxious or had the muscle twitching that so convinced me I had something wrong with me.
Last week my wife and I were told that one of our unborn twins had died and that the other one may have some health problems (we have had tests and are awaiting the results)
For the last 4 days now I have had a muscle twitch in my right forearm that is annoying me and I’ve got that anxious feeling back.
Now I’ve not posted this in the health anxiety forum as I know the muscle twitching is nothing serious and I know I don’t have Motor Neurons but I just feel anxious, obviously about the result of this test we are waiting for.
I guess I just want an arm around the shoulder from someone in here to help me on my way.

31-08-10, 18:21
Youve had some very upsetting news, so the fact youre not a wreck is proof you can get through this one. "normal" people would be anxious at a time like this, so cut yourself some slack and go with the anxiety should it arise.
I really do hope your news for your baby is good. Ill be thinking of you and your family.

01-09-10, 09:22
Youve had some very upsetting news, so the fact youre not a wreck is proof you can get through this one. "normal" people would be anxious at a time like this, so cut yourself some slack and go with the anxiety should it arise.
I really do hope your news for your baby is good. Ill be thinking of you and your family.

Thanks Vixxy, its appreciated.

01-09-10, 14:27
This bloody thing is taking over my thoughts again. all I can think about is that its nothing and it will pass add infinium, this is then obviously fueling the anxiety which means that my forearm is constantly twitching apart from when i'm doing something active like driving, or going to the gym or running or if i'm really busy at work.

I'm not scared like I was last year and up until March of this year I just feel nervous and tense.

Also since we got the bad news last Tuesday we have both eaten rubbish comfort foods like takeaway Pizza's and cakes and sweats and crisps and I haven;t been to the gym at all and yet yesterday I weighed myself and I lost 1kg. I know thats not a lot but I usually workout everyday and eat very healthy foods so I was expecting to be at least couple of kg heavier.
Does anyone else here lose weight when they are anxious?

01-09-10, 18:26
Hi again.
Yup. I lost about a stone and a half very quickly. Your body is just running faster than usual so even though youre eating rubbish youre burning it off.
Try to get yourself back on track with your eating and gym. Getting your body back on track will make you feel better and itll take your mind off the problems in your life. Going to the gym will also give you something to work towards each day. Routine really helps.

I also wanted to say that you already know why your arm is twitching(you mention this a few times). Its your anxiety making you tense and I would guess youve got a slightly weaker muscle that cannot hold the tension. hence the twitch as it tries to relax.

Now go to the gym and burn off some of that excess energy!

02-09-10, 09:50
Hi again.
Yup. I lost about a stone and a half very quickly. Your body is just running faster than usual so even though youre eating rubbish youre burning it off.
Try to get yourself back on track with your eating and gym. Getting your body back on track will make you feel better and itll take your mind off the problems in your life. Going to the gym will also give you something to work towards each day. Routine really helps.

I also wanted to say that you already know why your arm is twitching(you mention this a few times). Its your anxiety making you tense and I would guess youve got a slightly weaker muscle that cannot hold the tension. hence the twitch as it tries to relax.

Now go to the gym and burn off some of that excess energy!

Results due tomorrow so am expecting it to get worse before it gets better. Hopefully by Friday night I will be in a good place with good news and will then be able to start enjoying my wife's pregnancy.
Thanks again:hugs:

02-09-10, 10:28
Hi blackberry1972,

Sorry to hear your news. It looks as though you are thinking about it in the right way. It can be difficult to control our anxieties when life gets stressful. Hope all goes well,thoughts are with you.


02-09-10, 21:43
I hope you get some good news. I think it is perfectly ok to feel health anxiety when the is real reason to be anxious. I know its hard to put things into perspective, but things are out of your control at the moment, so you are bound to be out of your comfort zone. Don't be too hard on yourself

23-09-10, 16:30
The results came back fine btw and almost straight away the nervous twitch in my forearm which had been persistent for days stopped.:yesyes:

We now have another scan on Monday and guess what i've been doing today? yep the same forearm is twitching away and has been all day.
I had a meeting at work today which I was a little nervous about so I thought it might have been due to this but its still there hours afterwards to the only other thing I can think of is the scan on Monday. It's weird because I didn't think I was worrying about this one, not enought to make me twitch anyway.

God this is so annoying but I guess this is how my body will now react when under pressure/stress :scared15:

23-09-10, 16:35
At least you know its just anxiety now. Youll just end up shrugging and ignoring it as nothing to worry about.
Im so glad the results were ok! Bet you were both over the moon!

24-09-11, 18:41
It's really good to hear that you got some result. Just keep up your passion of thinking positively. Hope all goes well now.:yahoo: