View Full Version : Hollow head that others can hear

31-08-10, 17:20
When I tap my head it sounds hollow, other people can hear it too. I even recorded it to see how different it sounded to other people. It sounds like somebody knocking on wood. I had a lump removed from the back of my head as a child. It wasn't cancerous and it wasn't in my brain but I was wondering if it was something to do with this. Everybody I have shown thinks it's really bizarre but obviously I would feel a bit stupid going to the doctor about having a hollow head! I wasn't worried about it and just thought of it as an amusing party trick until somebody in my work told me they were in school with somebody who could do it to and they ended up having a brain tumour (not sure if the tapping was actually related)
If anybody could shed some light on this it would be appreciated. Thankyou.

31-08-10, 21:33
The only way you are going to get definite reassurance about this is to ask your doctor, but I honestly think if it were anything serious then it would have showed symptoms long before now. Some people have unique things they can do to their bodies which everyone else thinks is funny. I bet it is completely harmless!!:hugs: