View Full Version : Newbie floating on by... ;)

~glowly worm~
31-08-10, 17:20

Ive now gone all blank! :O
Havent a clue what the right thing to say is so please forgive me if i get it wrong but..
It's such a relief to find this site.. dont want to dwell on the issues right now (ocd, panic disorder, specific phobias that are pretty trapping curently blah de wotsit...) but bit about me...

female in 20s & full time uni student (just about!)
the rain..yes really!
Keanu Reeves
Socialising with friends old & new
guineapigs! (in particular the swirly ones)
being by the sea or in the countryside
Daydreaming and gently goal setting
chocolate cake and cream

Am hoping to meet others who can assist me in moving forward and escaping the trap i'm in right now, this site seems the right place to begin when you dont know how ;) Hope to help others along the way..
Warm gentle hugs...

~ Glowly ~

31-08-10, 17:23
Hi ~glowly worm~

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

31-08-10, 17:28
welcome!!!!! uv defo come 2 the right place hun , full of people sharing ur exact thoughts and fears who u can talk 2 wiv out feeling ur going insane lol :)

~glowly worm~
31-08-10, 17:31
Diane07 & ktlouish Thanku both soooo much! x

I'm so glad i joined now, heading back to uni in 3 weeks and most anxious, here seems like a very friendly AND positive recovery based site :)

Uve helped me already x

31-08-10, 17:34
:)hello all...this is my first posting. Have had a miserable 9 months and am feeling mentally better as the mirtazipine seems to be working. I was very weird and wobbly and still have days when I am and am unable to work.
I do have IBS like symptoms and today am housebound... last week completely constipated..2 normal ish days then back to spending rather too much time lurking round the loo!
will have a bath and read for a bit in a vague attempt to relax.
Have a diagnosis or adjustment disorder, and psychiatrist maintains that the prognosis is good, would welcome anyone else's experience. Mirt seems to be reducing the wild mood swings.
Look forward to hearing from you all, thanks

~glowly worm~
31-08-10, 17:44
Welcome Antwigone :)

Sounds awful :( and also sounds like you're doing good things to help it..
I used to have IBS and found the following helpful altho they might not be relevant/helpful to you..
(it does tend to flare up when extra stresed and exhausted yes..)

* warm baths (like u mentioned :) ) especially 4 bed in a winding down routine way

* chamomile or peppermint tea but not just making it, actually being mindful to every bit, the whistle of the kettle (if they whistle any more ;) ) the steam evaporating, the smell of the tea bag, the warmth of the cup. All very distracting. Might sound mental but i find it helps ;)

* snuggling up in a duvet and pjs in front of a comforting film (familiar ones seen b4 seem to work best for me)

* lemon and ginger tea
* ginger oatcakes

Hope these ideas help and you get much more relief from this site x
Warm wishes froma fellow newbie...

~ Glowly ~