View Full Version : Anyone else a chronic hyperventilator?

31-08-10, 19:05
I'm pretty sure that I'm a chronic hyperventilator. I am always yawning for breath and taking deep gasping breaths. I also get a lot of pain in my chest. These symptoms make me feel dizzy, tired, anxious and chest.

Sometimes these feelings go away if I concentrate on something else, but I seem to have had this permanently for about 6 weeks now.

I know the thing to do is to try and do breathing exercises, but I just can't seem to do them correctly, and then get myself in more of a panic because of this.

Does anyone else have this? Any advice?

31-08-10, 23:16
I think you have to just stick with the practise to be honest, and you need to unlearn an old habbit and learn a new one, and that only really comes with daily practise. MIND , has some excellent podcasts free to download from their website, and one in particular is for diaphragmatic breathing.

31-08-10, 23:33
thanks Alice. Where abouts are they on the website? Had a look but couldn't find them

31-08-10, 23:38
its difficult for to post a link as im on my phone, but i think i found them by googling relaxation podcasts. If you cant fing them ill post a link from my pc tomorrow, as im in bed now. X

31-08-10, 23:42
Hey, yeah I have chronic hyperventilation, have had it not for about 2 years. I constantly felt like I wasn't getting a satisfying breath, or that I wasn't getting enough oxygen, so I was always sighing and yawning. Apparently this is what makes it worse. You have 2 put off the yawning/sighing for as long as u possibly can, then take it, then keep trying 2 put it off for as long as possible, etc. At first I could only manage 2 put it off for like, 5 breaths, now I can go 10 minutes without taking a deep breath. You also have 2 learn diaphramatic (sp?) breathing. I was actually referred by my doctor 2 a physiotherapist, who basically re-trained my breathing. Good luck and keep persevering, it will get better :) xxxx

01-09-10, 00:02
The breathing technique is on here as well:
