View Full Version : Is this a form of tension headache?

31-08-10, 19:21
I get a squeezing feeling all round my head. When I'm anxious I can feel a vein at the side of my head close to my ear. It can feel like it's throbbing or sticking out and I've been getting into panics just thinking about it.

Sometimes It feels like my head will pop. I've had this alot so it worries me it's something bad.

Anybody know any causes for feeling these veins and the slight headaches it is causing? :shrug:

01-09-10, 01:28
Heya Phil,

I get these feelings all the time. One of the most common forms of tension headache is the tight or squeezing feeling around the head. Mine also get strange and feel like I have pressure in my head and like my head will just burst at any moment. I get throbbing too sometimes.

It definitely sounds like a tension headache to me. You'll be feeling your veins more because you are tense and have more blood flow to the area. Also your anxiety causes you to have a very active nervous system which means you are more aware of feelings than you normally would be.

01-09-10, 01:43
Tonight I've just got into a right panic over it..I stood up feel total dizzy my head is spinning. All due to worrying about these veins..I can feel it and googling does no good as it's all blood clots and horrible stuff.

I also seem to have chronic fatigue but feel it's all stress related. I'm going through a hard time of it..but I am trying to fight this off.

I'd say for 3/4 months the vein issue worried me the doctor said don't worry if you feel veins. Even at work this worry causes me to panic/hyperventilate...the vein feeling seems to last half of the day..I forget about it, it comes back and so on.

I had cut some of the worrying down but the constant physical feelings keep the anxiety at a high level..it's just discomforting these headaches, veins..and so on.

I notice it's my right vein that's more pulsing than the left..it's awful..i'm up at like 1.30 here worrying about it. :weep:

01-09-10, 10:35
Hi Phill

Please try to calm down. You are not going to stop this feeling by fighting with it!! What is likely to be happening is that your anxiety and worry is causing you to have lots of norepiniphrine ( a type of adrenaline) rushing about your system One of the jobs of this chemical is to alter the veins and arteries in order to alter the blood flow to your muscles to prepare you to fight a wooly mammoth or some other awful feat. This is natures way and your body is designed to do this. Unfortunately if you were actually fighting a wooly mammoth then you would not at all be intersted in the tension in your head caused by this natural survival process! However in this case there is no real danger so you are turning on anything that is keeping your attention and 'blaming ' it for the cause of the panic. No , anxiety is the cause of the panic and the vein is caused by the anxiety and is actually a completely helathy and normal response to your worry and fear that you are telling your poor body is what it should be doing.

Your so okay luv


01-09-10, 21:41
Is there much I can do to get rid of the actual headaches though? My head is just throbbing not in utter pain just discomforting and annoying..:blush:

22-12-10, 00:17
I had a new form of what I think was tension tonight..

Can anybody relate..my eye brows the skin above started buzzing and it was almost raised a little and it was buzzing from tension and felt like I had glasses on..feel it's all the nerves tingling away..anybody had this? :huh:

22-12-10, 16:53
Yes, my tension headaches make my entire head and face feel like there is so much pressure. it's muscles tightening in response to anxiety.

22-12-10, 17:08
I get like tingling feelings all over my head and alot of short sharp stabbing pains.i think its jusy ur nerve endings bein over stimulated!do u ever get a feeling like water is trickling in ur head?

22-12-10, 20:09
I had a tension headache which lasted six weeks over November and December - the sqeezing band of tension kind. There was nothing I could do to get rid of it except take Naproxen and Diasepam which my dr. prescribed. I tried exercise, hot baths, phsycial therapy (neck), etc. If anyone has any tips on how to stop or prevent these, I would love to know.

22-12-10, 20:12
Have u tried.an indian head massage!

22-12-10, 20:14
No, what is that? Would a physical therapist know about it?