View Full Version : MRI or Further Testing Refused :(

31-08-10, 19:28
Ok so basically my third (and last) appy with ENT specialist went awful today. He cannot find anything wrong with my ears anymore, my last appt i had fluid behind eardrum and loss of hearing so i was sent away and told to come back 3 months later. But apparently everythings fine now. So WHY did i literally fall last week due to SEVERE AND SUDDEN balance problems?! I was happily walking down town and i had to grab my boyfriend really quickly, i was very upset coz it freaked me out, but tried to carry on, i couldnt walk straight it was horrible, even affected my vision to the point where it made it worse to look at anything. This was completely sudden and lasted about 10-15 minutes, then completely disappeared, i was left feeling a bit 'woozy' all day but nuffin unsual as i always feel strange since ive had inner trouble. But neway, my ears are fine and my hearings back :) BUT im so upset that they refuse to MRI me or give me any further tests coz 'my ears are fine'/ So why not check with MRI incase theres a tube problem within my middle ear? Im getting checked out by a cardiologist at the moment coz of bad palpitations with dizziness and sumtimes i get chest pains (but only when i get the palps, but i know this could be chest-wall tension as when i get the palp i must admit i do worry and get bit anxious)

I feel at a dead end now as im suffering basly with balance problems but can it really be true that its not anything they can help with as i dont get it all the time? I get bad balance and dizziness SEVERELY every 2-3 days... when i get tested when i feel ok then my balance is fine, thats what i dont get!!

So..knowing that its NOT down to my ears, it MUST be either brain or heart.. ive had brain CT and all normal but now just waitiing on heart results. I hate the dizziness and falling feeling, i get it all the time and i really dont think anxiety or stress could be causing that. Maybe im wrong though...

What can i do? Shall i just accept its nothing?? It affects my life so much tho.. i hate it!! Ive had cbt and counselling and i very rarely get anxiety now, its just the palps and dizziness r so real and happen so often together that my doc wants to check all avenues, which is a good thing i spose!

31-08-10, 21:46
I have been where you are many many years ago. My experience was constant feeling as if I was on soft ground unsteady and occasionally I would get severe vertigo lasting a few minutes - longest time half an hour where everything rocks or I would get sudden feeling as if I was falling or ground coming up towards me.

I was convinced like you that it had to be tumour in head or bad heart or ms but it was actually caused by my neck!!! you have balance receptors in your neck muscles and bones that send messages to your inner ear and I had a collapsing disc and arthtritis in my neck. 20 yrs on I still have symptoms to varying degrees.

I eventually did get mri of head and neck which helped me - if you can afford it your Gp can arrange a private MRI for as little as £250 which may be worth it if it will def help you and your GP is sympathetic to your HA.

19-04-11, 19:22
Glad I found this post! Ive been experiencing the same symptoms, did you finally get a result for your heart tests? I hope everything was ok?. Its funny countrygirl that you mentioned a problem with your neck. I had whiplash about ten yrs ago and refused treatment for a neck problem at the time because I didnt see it as serious. Now that Im having daily headaches, ear problems but no infection, eye problems etc.. Im wondering if its not all down to my neck rather than an inner ear infection as was first suspected. Ive had 2 lots of antibiotics and its not changed the symptoms one bit. Who did you see about your neck problems, did you get physio? Im thinking maybe a trip to the chiropractor might be worth it, what do you think?