View Full Version : I know what is wrong but why???

28-02-06, 04:24
Sorry to be abother again.

I have been positive and going well despite things going wrong recently.

I realise it is anxiety but it has gotten much worse. I always try to be positive and when I got run over the other day it was bad but not as bad as it has gotten now.

I dont understand why this has affected me so much.??

I am having actual panic attacks plus the general anxiety at extreme levels now.??

I could get rid of it before but now I cant. Why would getting run over do this? This is all I can put it down to.

I cant run because of my leg obviously and the exercise helped the anxiety and down feelings and now I have gone into a stage of depression and massive anxiety worse than ever and my symptoms are worse than ever in every way.

I cant handle anything at all but I was going well and feeling great before this.

What is going on? My head didnt get run over....just my leg... Come on its not that bad... Why am I so bad? I feel like dying from this feeling.

I hate being negative but I cant help it. Any ideas please?

Yes I am a man but I sit here and full panic attack and cry like a little girl. Why?

I know all the answers, I have done courses, meds, books and I was good. It is worse than ever now and I cant work out why? I just want a magic pill to fix it. Maybe many pills so I dont have to go thru this anymore. I am not depressed as such I dont think, I just want this to stop. I have never felt this bad and in the past I never thought I could feel worse but now I know there is a devil and you can feel worse. I know there are NO magic pills and it is me who has to do it. I could before, why not now?

I was doing great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now it has gotten worse than ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have feelings but I dont.

Sorry for my dribble.

Anyone know the song from James Blunt. Goodbye my lover. I am starting to like it more than ever. No I am not depressed. I just want to know why things have got so much worse and coping skills are non existent now?


Learning to under react

28-02-06, 07:45
Hi Chop

Sounds to me like your going thru a blip.
This is normal and it has happened to me many many many times,
its like a rollercoster (the ups and downs).
I have learnt from my downs that an UP will follow, it has taken me 4 years to realise this.

If you cant excersize because of your leg you can infact excersize your arms by doing repetitive boxing moves - if you do this for 10 mins you will start to get really hot and burning up some adrenalin.

Dont feed the feelings you have with fear - try to do a hobbys to keep your mind busy busy busy.

I also play James blunt (think hes briliant) however I am also not depressed ,we just have good taste!


28-02-06, 18:18
Hi Chop
Mirry is so right, an UP will defo follow soon, I know how it feels to go through a bad spell like this but things will get better
Wendy x

28-02-06, 19:35
Hi Chop

This is a blip and not surprising after your accident. Often there is a delayed response to events like this, as you cope at the time and it is only afterwards that it starts to hit you.

Add to this the fact that you are not able to run and exercise because of your injury and also have more time to focus on the negative thoughts and the downward spiral starts.

So perhaps you could find something sedentry to do to occupy your time and your mind while you are recovering. I've recently start doing some arty type projects which I've never been interested in before. Also learning new skills is good. I am aiming to learn to play the keyboard.

You will come through this and it is definitely not going back to square one.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

28-02-06, 20:12
I agree it sounds like a blip, there are exercises yiu can do without running if you look on the web and out in what is stopping you exercising then you will find that threr are exercises you can do. Some of these can be quite gruelling as well


01-03-06, 09:47
Thanks all,
I went to the psychiatrist today and talked. It helped I think a bit.

Thanks for the replies and support.

I will start trying to swim to get some exercise since I cant run as suggested. Dont know if its the same effect but I will give it a shot.

Thank you again

Learning to under react

01-03-06, 12:56
Hi Chop

Glad the appointment with your psyhiatrist was helpful.

I think swimming will be beneficial for both your leg injury and also in getting some exercise instead of the running.

Good that you are feeling a bit better today.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

01-03-06, 14:18
Yes swimming will be good.

Think you also need to find an outlet for your thoughts and turn them all into productive thinking or learning

Its is frustrating that just as you were doing well , this should happen and curtail your self therapy. It is normal and appropriate that you feel upset, sad and annoyed.

Take care


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?