View Full Version : Can't take it anymore.

31-08-10, 21:08
HI, i'm just really low at the moment!
I am so sick of worrying about my health and panicing over my biopsy.
On top of that i'm emetophobic and have OCD which is just hell! I'm constantly fed up lately and i really can't take this anymore ='(!
Ever since I've had really bad anxiety I've got this increasing issue with food. every time I eat I feel like my stomachs full of air and until I burp it doesn't go away. Then i get hunger pains again.
Honestly, i don't even want to get up on a morning because I'm just waiting for the worry and ill feeling to come on.
Sorry for the rant, just wanted to vent to people who understand. xxx

31-08-10, 21:13
please stay strong hold onto the fact that there are good days, I get so desperate some days I just want to escape but you get through it, Have you felt this low and desperate before? think back ot then and then think of a good time and how its not always bad? I know this is so easier said than done Im ocd, obsessional thinker, health anxiety fear of death and full of anxiety but just as we speak tonight im breathing through it xxx

31-08-10, 21:49
thankyou for your reply :)!
I have felt like this before, but never this bad. I just feel like theres no end to it.
I'm sick of living everday terrifed and feeling horrible.
Its starting to take over my life. xxx

01-09-10, 07:26
i do now you feel its horrific, how old r u? im 27 almost 28 with 1 child and when I had my child my HA got really bad, he nearly died of meningitis so I think that triggered this, I always had OCD and anxiety anyway but not HA. Anyway I also have seen 2 people die in last 12 months of cancr I think this has effected me more than I relalised.x

01-09-10, 20:57
I'm 20 - had anxiety for quite a while but was only diagnosed with OCD this year and health anxiety followed :(!

I don't even know where it came from I just became obsessed. Cancer is something that i dread daily.

Its awful. I would love to not think about health just for one day :( xxx

03-09-10, 07:56
Hey guys,
I'm feeling exactly the same right now. I am FED UP!! Frustrated and I am battling negative thoughts every single day.. I wish I could swap brains with a person who doesn't care about anything!!! I feel really low like a black cloud is hanging over my head. SOOOOO over it!!