View Full Version : still worried about chest probs

31-08-10, 22:15
its been 6 months and still getting chest pain aches stabbing,it gets far worse if i move in a certain way too somtimes hear a click right at the top in the centre,does this sound more muscular???

31-08-10, 22:19
Yeah been 6 months for me too and I'm still gettin them! Someone once told me if it hurts when you move it's your muscles. We get worried and tense cuz we're anxious and then our muscles hurt cuz we tense them so much without realising!

31-08-10, 22:23
I agree that if it hurts more when you move or breathe in deeply then it is muscular and not your heart.

31-08-10, 22:42
Muscular, without a doubt. Heart pain will not ;'get worse' when u move or breathe in.. heart pain is constant and doesnt go away. It doesnt feel more comfortable in certain positions. It could be muscular or skeletal. Your gp should refer you for physio. Sounds exactly like costochondritis to me. I get it all the time lasting weeks and weeks somtimes. When we are anxiety suffers, are muscles are pretty much always tense, so they r easily damaged or pulled or whatever.. that is why its so easy to get costochondritis. Definitely, 110% NOT heart pain. Guarenteed! :)

31-08-10, 22:43
I have costchondritis and it sounds alot like that its nothing to worry about its an inflammation of the cartilidge between you sternum and you ribs its very painful but there is nothing the doc can give you to help it will just go away on it own, you may not have this but sound alot like mine xxx

31-08-10, 23:08
I had something similar a while ago. I ran to the top of the stairs and i just doubled over in pain, obviously i thought i was having a heart attack and started freaking out. Anyway, because i'd already called an ambulance several times that month because of my anxiety i decided to go to an emergency doctor about it. Turned out i tore a muscle between my ribcage which was what was causing the pain, that "click" sound is associated with it also. I still have the pain several months on, but it's only a niggling pain and i don't tend to worry about it too much unless my anxiety flares up really bad. :shrug: sorry about the long winded response, lol

01-09-10, 18:56
thanks for your replies everyone,why cant i accept it is just muscular.if it was more serious it wouldnt last this long right??