View Full Version : Just so confused, don't know what to do

01-09-10, 02:08
Hi Guys

Heres the thing. I have posted a couple of threads as I seem to be going through Depersonalisation/derealisation at the minute. My anxiety seems to have gone through the roof lately and i've had heaps of stress then about 4 weeks ago, this fabulous sympton presented itself :wacko:. After heaps of googling and chatting to some wonderful people on here, I'm pretty sure it is depersonalisation but what gets to me is that I have been quite good and felt quite with it for a couple of days and now today it seems to be back and i'm feeling out of it again :shrug:. I did speak with my doctor at the weekend and told her i have a fear that its a brain tumor or something like that. She gave me a referral to get a ct scan of the brain. She said not because she thinks they will find something but because with the way I am she wanted me to stop worrying that it could be a brain tumor. Now the thing is, I don't know whether to get one done (i'm really really scared they'll find something as its always been a fear i've had for donkeys years) or whether to not get it done, its driving me crazy :whistles:. I know if i did get one and its all normal it would be fantastic but i keep thinking if its not normal then my life will change. So confused. Any suggestions or has anyone else had one and did it go ok?

thanks for listening


01-09-10, 02:12
Hi that sounds alot like me. I have suffered anxiety for a few years but due to a period of stress back in May I suffered all sorts of physical symptoms and worries plus alot of derealization. I am fighting it off but I also don't believe it's anxiety and have those kind of health anxiety worries.

01-09-10, 03:07
Hi Phil

Yes its just so annoying, I suffered this so many years ago and got over it but i've no idea how i did it.

thanks for your reply
