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View Full Version : Side Effects uping to 30mg.

01-09-10, 08:11
I have been on 15mg of Mirtazapine since December I had this increased last week after a battle with the doctor against increasing for two months, but two doctors and a person who interviewed me with regards to a therapist all said 15mg is no good for anxiety.

Since uping to 30 mg on Saturday night have had nothing but problems Sunday and Monday completely spaced out, Monday nauseus (I never have nausea) Tuesday while back at work went dizzy, hot and my palms started sweating and during afternoon developed headache and extreme tiredness due to the tension and the spaced out feeling came back again.

This morning woke up feeling tired and am making myself anxious worrying now I'm in a catch 22.

How long should I give these to kick in now I have upped to 30mg?

Originally I was put on these for Insomnia, Depression and I have a 7 year anxiety problem the doctor made out these were a 3in1 cure but so far they haven't helped the anxiety.

When I started on 15mg never had any of this trouble only problem I had was a few days of short lived anger feelings I never had any other side effects so why has going upto 30mg caused these feelings.

01-09-10, 16:07
Steve we all react differently to meds. The only solution is to go beack to your doctor and explain how you are feeling. I appreciate that this might be awkward after battling to get the increase, but the doc is the only person who can help.

01-09-10, 16:55
Hi Steve I am currently taking 45mg mirtazapine. I did experience some of the side effects that you describe when increasing my dose. Mirtazapine is primarily an anti depressant and it also used for anxiety and panic states. These are off label uses. I have experienced anxiety whilst being on mirtazapine and have occasionally used diazepan. The dizziness, tiredness, nausea, spaced out feeling and headache should go within a week or so if they are side effects of the drug. I would go back to your GP as you might need something else for the anxiety. I have found mirtazapine has worked well as an anti depressant for me. EJ.

01-09-10, 18:34
Itll take about 9-14 days for the extra side effects to wear off. If youre still having problems after 3 weeks then you should go back to your doctor about it.

01-09-10, 18:46
I would go back sooner than three weeks especially if you are suffering from nausea. Side effects should settle sooner than two weeks. Take care.

01-09-10, 19:44
As Chem said, we all react differently to meds. Remember that they're powerful drugs and have side effects. I would recommend that you get to your doctor as soon as possible and discuss all the problems you've been having (unless you suddenly start to feel better today or tomorrow).

It's very difficult to guess how your body will respond to upping a dose and although side effects can be a nuisance you should always go back to the prescribing doctor if they start to interfere with everyday life.

01-09-10, 22:58
My doctor isn't free until 22 September and he will just say stick with it i have booked an appointment for then nothing i else i can do until then.

02-09-10, 09:08
Hi Steve,

I also agree we are all different and have different reactions to the meds etc.

I started on mirtazipine in February after coming off citalopram, initially 15mg then up to 30mg. I found that they didn't help that much with my anxiety but helped the depression, I am currently on 15mg again now as am hoping to come off them soon. I take pregabalin which I think has been the biggest help with my anxiety.

Hope you feel better soon, its difficult to tell sometimes if its the meds causing us to feel like we do or the actual illness.

Take care

28-09-10, 21:49
Been told by the doctor that 30mg was too much and I did the right thing to go back to 15mg. He says to stay on 15mg until therapy is available.

28-09-10, 22:09
Hi Steve I'm sorry that you have been having problems with the mirt. If 30mg was not helping and causing you to have side effects then you were very sensible to contact your doctor and to go back down to 15mg. If 15mg works for you then that is fine and right for you. I bave had problems in the past with my GP who I respect very highly being unable to make a decision about my meds and leaving it to my consultant psychiatrist. What sort of therapy will they be offering? If 15mg of mirtazapine is improving your mood and sleep improving then that must be a good thing. I'm still on 45mg mirtazapine and 1,000mg lithium which seems to work for me apart from some paranoia doing ok. Best wishes Steve. EJ.