View Full Version : Aching and numbness - pill?

01-09-10, 09:39
I woke this morning and ached all over, like I'd been beaten up in the night. I was stiff everywhere.

I realised I've been feeling like this for a couple of weeks now, and it was similar to how I felt after I'd had my daughter. My elbows ache and feel like they've been overstretched, my knees are the same and my wrists hurt as well as this tingling I'm getting in my toes and hands.

I don't know what this is as a few months back I had tests when I had it after my daughter and there was no inflamation and it was therefore said there was nothing wrong with me.

The only thing I can think that has happened recently differently is that I have been taking the pill for just over a month. I don't want to be quick to judge it as all evil but could this possibly happen? It's not listed as one of the side effects.

01-09-10, 10:26
Hi there

Thats strange you mention this becuase i have been getting this from pills too. I had it most from marvelon. It feels like a kind of fibromyalgia. What pill is it? Some have too much estrogen effect and they are many different types of synthetic progesterone that doesnt work for some people.

Sounds so like what i have too


01-09-10, 10:39
It is a mini pill, so pregesterone only. It's micronor.

It's odd because I came off them a year ago, just before I fell pregnant with my little girl, because they were the root of most of my anxiety issues. I decided to go back on this one after a lengthy thought process. I am lucky that so far this one hasn't caused me any problems mentally so far but I noticed blaoting straight away and then this has happened.

But I don't want to straight away put it down to the pill unless other people have had similar issues. I have reasearched a bit and can't find anyone who has had problems via Dr google. All it keeps coming up with is perimenapausal!!!! I blooming hope not, I'm only 31 and want more kids!