View Full Version : Went to Doctor today and now I am so scared

01-09-10, 15:47
I have been getting headaches and feeling sick everyday for a little while now and am terrified its a brain tumor. My neck and back off head are so sore :weep:. I also get pressure in sinus sometimes and bad headache in forehead. I have been getting strange smells and tastes for a while and have been really frightened its a tumor. Now the headaches have started I am going out of my mind. The Doctor has taken bloodtests recently which were all normal (kidney,liver,thyroid (mines underactive),full blood count, sugar and inflammation) but is now sending me for a CT scan to check my neck, brain and sinus. I am terrified. Please can someone help me :weep:

01-09-10, 15:55
I have had similar symptoms for over a month now and I'm sure mine is related to my anxiety.. dont forget when we are anxious we tense our shoulders in turn giving us neck pain and tension headaches..

make sure you are drinking lots of water and just try to relax.. they will fade.. the doc is prob sending you for CT because either you have really pushed to have one or he wants it done for your reassurance..

Headaches can be a clear sign of anxiety and trust me they will clear up.. are you taking any meds?


01-09-10, 15:57
I agree with all Adam has said. The CT scan will be able to reassure you that you are suffering symptoms of anxiety.

01-09-10, 16:02
Thank You for your help. I am sitting here in tears as I am so scared. The Doctor knows I have HA and has been very good with me. He has referred me for CBT but waiting list is very long. I just cant believe that anxiety can make me feel so bad :weep:. I have ME and also underactive thyroid so take thyroxine. I have convinced myself I have a brain tumour. The Doctor looked in to my eyes with a light and said the blood vessels looked fine but he seemed to look in to the left one for ages. Thanks again for helping me.

01-09-10, 16:03
I am also guilty of 'googling' and all my symptoms fit that of a brain tumour :weep:

01-09-10, 16:10
yeh i googled it to ..lol not the best idea in the world ...

Im pretty sure what you have is tension related .. I have read some posts on here before regarding symptoms of brain tumors and they are far from what we are experiencing ..

the doc has done the checks and has found no pressure behind your eyes which is a very good indication of nothing serious..

I dont think my doc would even consider sending me cause he says i would be a waste of time..

You will be fine and im sure the scan will be clear and you can put this behind you ..

Keep your chin up !!

Adam :)

01-09-10, 16:14
All your symptoms can also be caused by anxiety, which is a lot more likely. I'd say that it would be quite unlikely that you'd have a brain tumour, especially after having an all clear on the blood tests. The CT scan is probably just for reassurance. Plus, I've heard that the symptoms of a brain tumour are far more severe.

01-09-10, 16:24
Thank You all again. Will be good to get the scan out of the way. x

01-09-10, 16:31
yeh keep us updated .. but dont worry about it ..

its will provide you with the reassurance you need to move on and once you learn that they are only tension related headaches.. you will find they will gradually fade..

take care :)