View Full Version : hello all

01-09-10, 17:58
Hi there, I did put a post as a reply but fear I should have read the instructions first. Have been diagnosed with adjustment disorder following a whole heap of nasty stressy things and have only worked for about five weeks since last october. have no money, am about to go into litigation with building society if my woman at the housing advice can't stop them, but due to three weeks of mirtazipine am feeling much better than i did..so some good news.
Anybody have nasty side effects re constipation/runs with this. I am also struggling to eat anything more than yoghurt and cottage cheese. everything else feels like rubber in my mouth!
Just got back from psychotherapy so feeling a bit odd.
Look forward to sharing with you all:)

01-09-10, 17:59
Hi antwigone

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

01-09-10, 18:14
thankyou...recent panic attacks have been horrid as others say. Pull hair out, pick skin right off and am not aware of it..haven't been able to wear anything but jeans this year my right leg is in such a scarred way. Am getting better sleep now so not quite as frazzled. Actually enjoyed a read in the bath today for first time since I can remember. At one stage was just stewing in my bed! I have gone for weeks without seeing people..quite catastrophic suicide attempt at Xmas, ended in IT unit.
Still not convinced that life is that marvelous but wouldn't go through that again...:sad:
Ali xxx

01-09-10, 20:46
Hope you are feeling better now.... i actually managed to sleep for more than two hrs last night hooray, ok it was valium induced but 14 days with little or no sleep takes its toll. You have been through a pretty rough time to say the least. Enjoying reading in the bath sounds like a positive step forward (wich does remind me i could really do with a bath lol)
i to feel like staying in bed for the next month untill the prozac kicks in.. but im trying to be positive and have agreed to go to work tomorrow :ohmy: my head feels a little fuzzy from the val lets hope i can remember how to do my job lol... Take care Ali speak to you soon

Vanilla Sky
02-09-10, 14:11
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x