View Full Version : Feeling achey for about 2 weeks

01-09-10, 18:05
Hi all,

Ive been feeling generally achey for about 2 weeks now. Feeling well other wise. Just my muscles feeling achey. Sometimes worse than others and its pretty much all over. Its kinda like the aches you get when your suffering with flu or something.

Its not toooo bad but its enough to bother me and make me wanna just veg on the sofa as apposed to get up and do stuff.

Anyone else have/had this before??

01-09-10, 18:29
Yup lots and lots and lots. It annoys me sooooo much! It stops me pushing forward with recovery as im just wanting to sit and do zilch.
Im afraid I have no advice for how to overcome it. I tend to just give in for a day and rest then try and get back out there again the next day.

01-09-10, 18:39
Yeh i can relate to this mate.. I have had aches in my legs and arms ..

I think if you were to do a bit of light exercise i.e. a walk or light jog or even a swim .. your muscles will loosen ..., it could just be tension ..

if you were to just zone out on the couch for hours the aches wont go .. try and get a bit of light activity in and it will wear off.

Hope this helps..


01-09-10, 18:58
yep me 2 all achy think it must be a really common side affect but with all side effects im sure it will pass x

01-09-10, 20:12
Thanks guys, makes me feel alot better. Was beginning to think all sorts :blush:

Really appreciate it. :)