View Full Version : really had enough

01-09-10, 18:13
Im sick of being scared,im sick of not sleeping,im sick of not being able to work,im sick of having no friends,im sick of upsetting those closest to me,im sick of being in constant none stop pain,im sick of my doctor telling me to go home because nothing is wrong. Things seem to be getting worse instead of better,cbt isn't working.......how are we suppossed to cope with this,how can we sit there and say ooh yeah life is great when for some it just isn't.....

Sorry guys i just needed a rant


01-09-10, 20:51
Heyy! I know exactly how you're feeling - I was ranting on here myself yesterday!

I think sometimes you just get to a point where you get so low and depressed about the constant fear and worry that you feel asthough you can't go on with it.
But you do have good days?
We have to focus on the positive when we feel low - its the only thing we can do :(!
It would be so lovely not to care about our health or to have no phobias!

Sorry to hear CBT isn't working - I'm still on the waiting list for that.
Have you tried/thought of trying hypnosis? Not sure whether it works but it has a decent reputation.

hope you're okay! You can always PM me if you ever need a rant :) xxx:hugs:

blue moon
01-09-10, 23:17
Hi davey....there are days where I feel like everything feels like shite,but I just get up dust myself off and think about those lest fortunate than me. I know at times it is hard to do,but if I did'nt I would not get off the couch.Be kind to yourself.
Love Petra x

02-09-10, 04:24
hi there, hearing and feeling your pain. I think one of the ways to cope with it is by doing what you're doing, putting it out there and sharing it. Life for us sometimes feels a never-ending struggle but know that you are not alone with your struggles.

02-09-10, 09:17
thankyou for your replies....feels better to get it off my chest

sweet juicy
02-09-10, 09:52
Hey,take care yourself!