View Full Version : Bad Memory

Fly away Katie
01-09-10, 18:27
Hey guys, Im really freeking out.
My memory is HORRENDOUS. I Can't remember what people have said mostly.
There have been somany occasions where I have said, what? That didnt happen? Or what? You didnt say that..

I put it down to being anxious and concentrating on that 100% of my time, so I cant focus on anything else.

Anyone else got a bad memory? Im getting really scared about it xxxxxxxxxxx

01-09-10, 22:12
Don't be scared. Loss of memory is a very common symptom of anxiety. My memory is useless. I have notes and lists everywhere to help remind and prompt me. I can't remember people's names and have found that the best thing to do is to tell people that so they are not offended when I forget. If I have an important conversation I write down the gist of it as soon as I can. Concentrating on your anxiety will only fuel it and make the situation worse. Try reading the advice on anxiety in the column on the left.

blue moon
02-09-10, 06:59
Hi...I am the same,I would not know what day of the week it is,unless I pick up the paper..lol.I forgot where I parked the car yesterday went to the police beat at the shopping centre to report it stolen,The policewoman asked me my number plate and I forgot it as well,finally found it on the 2nd level where I parked,and I'm not even Blonde....lol:D
Petra (I think)x

Fly away Katie
02-09-10, 15:24
Thanks for the advice :) I feel lots better now, to know that i'm not alone!! x x
Love erm.. what was my name again? ;)

02-09-10, 16:17
Katie - are you taking any meds? I found once I started taking olanzapine and effexor that my memory was appalling. I was in pilates once, and the teacher said we were going to repeat the exercise we had just done, and I had no idea what we had just done!
