View Full Version : Fluoxetine...?

01-09-10, 18:52
Hey everyone.
Just wondering if anyone else has been prescribed Fluoxetine for anxiety?
I came off Citalopram because the nausea it gave me was so intense it made me worse than i already was. I've been on Fluoxetine for 8 days now and i woke up this morning and for the first time in over a year i felt "normal".

Although, for first seven days of taking them my anxiety symptoms have been VERY over exaggerated, i started freaking out over the silliest things and i've
been awake every single night and all night since i've been taking them,
only getting a few hours sleep in the early hours of the morning.

...Well, i digress, I'm feeling the best i have since my anxiety started.
I'd just like to know if anyone else is taking it and what your experiences are with it. I'd appreciate some feedback. :)

01-09-10, 19:21
Some people say that fluoxetine doesn't work as well for anxiety as it does for depression but we all seem to react differently and the important thing is how it affects YOU.

I took fluoxetine for depression but it didn't help much and gave me terrible insomnia.

You need to give it much longer than 8 days for its full effects to become manifest.

Hope you continue to feel well on it.

01-09-10, 19:40
Hmm, i kinda thought it might take longer than eight days, but i really do feel good at the moment. Thanks for posting that though. I can deal with the insomnia, much better than having the anxiety :)

Gotta edit this post. lol.
I don't really suffer so badly from depression as i do from anxiety/panic attacks
I'm usually always scared by the silliest things as i said before, but the Fluoxetine
seems to be calming me and as you said, it seems different meds work differently
for each person. I just hope this lasts.