View Full Version : Need support and comfort - Husband had a seizure

01-09-10, 20:50
Please give me some support and comfort - We returned from our hols on sunday night - long drive back from france. DH didnt sleep much that night or the following night and then worked 8 hrs - that tea time he was diggin in the garden at my side when he had a seizure.

It was awful I have never seen anything like that before - I thought he was dying. and now I am struggling to cope

They discharged him from hospital and he has to have tests done as an outpatient. Could be the start of epilepsy

I am so scared, I am frightened to leave him in case it happens again. I keep bursting into tears and I need to be strong for him

Please help I cant confide in him - he has enough to deal with


01-09-10, 20:55
oh Debs, i can imagine how worrying that must be.
one off seizures can happen for a multitude of fairly innocent reasons, tiredness can definitely play a part.
I hope that you don't have to wait too long for the further investigations. X

01-09-10, 20:57
Oh honey, I just wanted to post and give you a hug :hugs: it's only natural to worry about our loved ones so don't be too hard on yourself. I hope your hubbys ok


01-09-10, 20:58
Hi hun, I'm sorry to hear your husband is having a difficult time. I have a friend who went through the same thing with her husband last year and I know they were both very scared and worried.

He has had loads of different test and seen various specialists. He now takes medication which pretty much controls it and he is so much better. I think he will have to take his meds for the rest of his life, but he is happy with that if it keeps him right. It was a struggle for them, but I just wanted to let you know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Take whatever is offered.

It must be very frightening for both of you, and hopefully you will get some results and a way forward soon. xx

02-09-10, 12:40
Thanks everyone for your kind words.

Alicegreen - you sound like you have some knowledge of this - its just so scary - I am frightened of him having another one. I just hope that it was a one off

02-09-10, 13:37
Hi Debbsi - wow - almost exactly the same scenario as our opposite neighbour. They came back from hols etc. First night home she was woken up by her husband having a major fit. He was so badly bruised and bit his tongue. Ambulance came and he spent the night in hospital. He went through rounds of tests and the conclusion is that he has epilepsy (he is 46). He's not allowed to drive for the rest of the year but should be able to when his meds are sorted. He also remains in the RAF. They have got through this, are fine, and he is fine and accepts he will be on meds from now on. They are very into fitness and he continues to run etc. Until the meds are balanced and he stops having seizures (has the odd one still) he runs with a mate etc
I hope this helps. xxxx

02-09-10, 14:46
thanks busybeingmum - my husband is 42, he also bit his tongue and has a nasty bruise on his head and a black eye, and aches everywhere.

I just wish they would hurry with those test dates and he can get it over with, typically the consultant on the ward frightened him with worse case scenarios!

He's off work at the moment and I've told him to stay off as long as possible, luckily I drive so he's not stranded, I'm just frightened to go back to work until we have some answers

02-09-10, 16:43
Hi Debbsi,
Im sorry to hear about your hubby, just wanted to give you a big hug.:hugs:

02-09-10, 22:51
Hi debbsi

Sorry to hear about your husband, I've had epilepsy for over 25yrs now, and in the past few years have also had non-epileptic seizures due to stress. 1 in 4 people have some kind of seizure and the vast majority never have one again, they are also caused by many many different things.

I'm not surprised you are frightened, its not exactly the nicest thing to see! I'm trying to think of the best way to say things without coming across as rude, so please forgive me if you feel I do!
Yes you do have to be strong, but he's also not a child, if he has epilepsy its something he's going to have to learn to live with and get on with things.
Theres no point staying away from work and having someone with him all the time, theres nothing anyone can do to prevent them and he has to learn to keep himself safe.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it the way my parents bought me up to think about my epilepsy (I was 8 when diagnosed) and its the reason why I dont let it stop me doing anything I want to.

03-09-10, 03:19

I just wanted to say I'm So Sorry to hear what's happened and I sincerely hope everything turns out ok for Both of you.:hugs:

03-09-10, 07:41
hi Belfry - thanks for your comment - these are exactly the words I need to here - keep em coming - its good to here from someone like you with first hand experience.

Hi Bill - thanks xx

03-09-10, 08:54
wow..that must have been so frightening! I can't imagine what youve had to go through! keep us posted please.