View Full Version : Things will get better...they did for me!

01-09-10, 20:54
I haven't been on here in forever...just thought someone may be inspired by this. I am completely well!!! As well as a person with anxiety will ever be. Meaning , I still worry and fret about things too much sometimes. Do not ever give up! I thought I was going to be in a constant state of anxiety and panic forever! I woke up with anxiety and went to bed with it. I felt like my body was trembling inside all day long. I could'nt drive or even go out of my house about a year ago. I think part of my problem was weaning off of Ativan too fast. I now take no drugs whatsoever and plan to stay that way!! I think anyone can do this without medication and I feel that sometimes it causes many more problems than it helps. Good luck to everyone on here going through bad times...it will get better.:yesyes:

01-09-10, 22:03
Thanks for posting this jhz. It's great to hear success stories. Can you give us any hints as to how you manage to overcome your anxiety?

02-09-10, 04:15
i did an anxiety and phobia workbook, i used a lot of positive self talk, i used meditation some. i think all of this helped but i also think the main thing was getting off of the medication. i know a lot of people will not agree with this but i think it was my main problem.

~glowly worm~
06-09-10, 08:46
Hey jhz, would u mind u saying a little about how severe your anxiety was and the name of the workbook please? Even tho you may not want to revisit the anxiety that much which i wil understand ;) Many thanks for this, i'm searching for ways to recover and especially people who already have so as to learn how they did it :) Al the best & thanku ;) ..

29-10-10, 05:21
i wont go into detail but my anxiety was extremely severe. one of the workbooks i used was, "Mind Over Mood", written by Dennis Greenberger and Chistine Padisky. i think they are all pretty good but this is the one i used. i dont know how severe your anxiety is but i hope you can get a grip on it. i am not on here much so if you want to message me i will give you my email. good luck :yesyes:

29-10-10, 14:35
Hi jhz,

Brilliant positive post!!! Gives people hope.

May it continue.


paula lynne
29-10-10, 14:38
Thats brilliant jhz, so happy for you. Youve found your freedom! x:yesyes: