View Full Version : lymph nodes again

01-09-10, 21:01
I've suddenly started focussing on my neck lymph nodes again. I've had one lump there since at least Jan 09 and the second one since that I first felt in May this year. They are alway there and are both relatively small, around 1cm maybe less sometimes you can feel them more than others. I am just really concerned why they never totally go away though. Something it hurts when I press around that area of my neck like today and sometimes when exercising on the crosstrainer I get a weird pain in my left shoulder like a stitch which worries me as I imagine a tumour is pressing on a nerve. I have had two clear FBC since I first noticed the lump the most recent only a couple of months ago although the doc did say to go back if the second lump ( appear in May) hadn't disappeared but I don't want to go back coz I don't think he'll do any other tests.

I think I am getting more anxious because I am due to attend the skin tumours clinic next week about a mole on my back so that's triggering it all off again as I'm so worried melanoma has spread to my neck nodes!!

01-09-10, 21:06
I know how you're feeling! I've got to have a lymph node biopsy on a node that I have had in my neck for 15 years.
Its just over a week away now :S!
The doctor thinks its a chronic infection - i'm convinced otherwise.

Lymph nodes up to 1.5 cm in diameter are considered normal though so I wouldn't worry too much about them. I have two more in my neck that I can feel which are both about 1cm - the doctor has seen these and didnt say anything!

You will be fine - nodes swell for all sorts of reasons, even a spot can cause it! But i know its hard not to think the worst! I'm exactly the same right now! Let me know how you get on at your appointment xxx

01-09-10, 21:09
I do have mild acne and have quite a few outbreaks and have wondered whether this could be causing it, me first noticing the lump last year does correspond with me coming off the pill and my acne getting a lot worse