View Full Version : Just don't know what to do anymore

01-09-10, 21:37
I am so at the end of my tether here. I feel like there is not enough room in my chest for for lungs to open if i want to breathe deeply. I also feel like my stomach is distended and is quite painful. have been like this for 2 days now, and it is making me so so anxious. i have convinced myself there is something physically wrong even though im breathing fine, it doesnt feel like i can open my lungs. a few weeks ago at a and e they did a chest xray which was fine, so my chest must be fine right? tell that to my brain, i just am petrified im gonna drop dead and everyone has just been telling me it's just anxiety and panic, but what if it isnt? i just cant talk myself out of it. i've been trying for fews, feeling like progress was being made, and now these symptoms appear which are different from how they were to begin with, initially it was just pains in the chest, not so much tightness.
i just need someone to tell me that this is all a part of anxiety, and that it's happened to them too. i know i sounds like a total crazy person, but i just dont know where else to turn to. my family and partner are supportive but they havent been through it so dont know how i feel. xx

01-09-10, 22:01
The best person to reassure you through this would be your doctor. Have you started any meds or made changes to your diet that could be making you feel distended? Try reading the symptoms list in the column on the left. There's lots of helpful information there.

02-09-10, 11:37
i have had this symptom - it feels horrible but you WILL get enough oxygen! it is in fact caused by over breathing/shallow rapid breathing so you do have more oxygen than you need. i once had this for 2 weeks - the trouble is - the more you worry - the worse you will feel! and yes - a chest x ray would have shown up if something was wrong. you need to try and distract yourself and accept it until it goes but do not be surprised if it comes and gos for a while and yes - anxiety can cause symptoms to change x

02-09-10, 23:59
I find sometimes that laying on my stomach forces me to breath deeper, my girlfriend finds the same as well - just a thought.

03-09-10, 03:41
hunny iam haven this problem right now and iam so happy to hear that someone eles has this to............tc an good luck if u want to talk just pm me

04-09-10, 12:19
Hi Sarah I had very similar symptoms to those you describe for several days. I too went to A&E; terrified I had lung cancer or something such a terrifying experience chest xray etc was all fine thankfully but still found it hard to believe was anxiety. It went after a few days maybe after my mind convinced itself I was OK. A lot of people on here have had the same symptoms and although you wouldn't wish it on anyone it's reassuring to know you're not the only one. Anxiety and panic is an awful thing with the wildest and sometimes strangest and scariest of symptoms, sending you hugs:hugs:

04-09-10, 12:24
I've had this a few times over the years. It's so unpleasant, but is absolutely nothing to do with your lungs, it's your chest muscles that are tense. You will ALWAYS get enough air, so don't worry about this. You are obviously feeling very anxious at the moment, but this will pass. Take concentrated breaths using your tummy and this will instantly make your chest muscles relax.:hugs: