View Full Version : Weird anxiety symptoms

01-09-10, 21:38
Hi all I suffer from alot of tension in neck and head region. This has occured for months. Anyway when my tension peaks I get weird symptoms such as teeth chattering and nervous arm twitch. These seem like comfort methods and would like reassurance others get this????

Does anyone else get neck tension in severe form?

01-09-10, 21:57
Neck tension is very common. Look under symptoms in the column on the left.

01-09-10, 22:58
hi anxietyrecovery, i get alot of pain in my neck and the back of my head feels tight most of the time!, i also get pains in my head and a numb kind of feeling behind my left ear!!!, am so paraniod at the moment that i have a brain tumour or something!!!!

do you get any pains in your head or neck???

01-09-10, 22:58
Is more the teeth chattering and twitch that bothers me!

01-09-10, 23:00
Exact same symptoms and do u get feeling u can't think straight?

01-09-10, 23:22
I get twitchy and teeth chattering too!

01-09-10, 23:22
yeh all the time and thats whats worrying me too, bout the brain tumour side of things because i forget stuff aswell!!!

Hope you dont mind me saying but its nice to now im not the only one!!!!

do you get much chest pain and aching in your arms and legs????

01-09-10, 23:23
my neck and and back of my head is really achy .. is this similar to what you get ? :wacko:

01-09-10, 23:56
it feels like a headache .. stiff neck too

02-09-10, 08:40

I get chest pains now and then! Also achy neck which leads to head tension.

How long u guys had yours?

02-09-10, 10:44
i have been suffering with anxiety for about 9 months!!!, what about you????

02-09-10, 14:20
About 4 months but seems longer. Have symptoms got worse/better?

Any treatment?

02-09-10, 14:30

I suffer from really bad neck tension & pressure in my head which can last for hours sometimes even days.... saw an emergency doctor few wkends ago cause it was so bad & she reassured me it was my anxiety acting up which did make me feel slightly better but then once it subsides i end up with yet another sympton it feels lately im never without something whether it be headaches , shaking , feeling faint & distant the list goes on .... the latest is im not sleeping & my night anxiety is awful im just trying to get through each day the best i can as i really dont want to take an ad's as i had a very bad reaction to one about 6 weeks ago which left my anxiety the worst its ever been .

03-09-10, 17:46
I am so glad I found someone else with this chattering teeth thing. I seem to have leg muscles that just want to jerk and spasm too. My right leg feels like I can't control it sometimes and like it is vibrating on the inside. It totally freaks me out.