View Full Version : Good news

01-09-10, 23:30
I did it.

GCSE's, 5c's 3b's and level one in math and ALAN and level 3 in ASDAN :)

I got into college too, I went to enrolment today and didn't freak out once!! I got stressed though, but I am sure that is normal when I do something like that for the first time.

I don't get as panicky as I used to too, my self harm is going down and I actually went to the pictures today for the first time in a long long long long time!


02-09-10, 05:29
Hooray! Congratulations caffineaddict. Good luck at college and well done recognising that the stress of enrolment is normal for anyone. :)

blue moon
02-09-10, 06:50
Good luck,nothing like Education
Love Petra:flowers:

02-09-10, 16:50
Oh brill news, well done and enjoy college, my daughter starts on 14th September.

02-09-10, 20:09
well done caff so pleased for u congrats