View Full Version : burning sensation under skin, hands & feet -not itchy PLS HELP

02-09-10, 04:19
Hi everyone, i have been having a burning sensation on my hands & feet and sometimes neck area. its been like that for the past few months and even more so the past week.

I have not particularly been anxious about anything and i am not on any meds, started HRT of estrodiol cream & progesterone capsule last month. I am not on it this month but still have those sensations.

I know it's listed as an anxiety symptom, but it's also a symptom of a thyroid disorder or peripheral neuropathy. my thyroid labs show that my thyroid TSH level is high but all my symptoms reflect a low thyroid.

does anyone have any idea? I am stressing about it now after some people from a thyroid forum suggested to me it could be neuropathy and they symptoms i read about it sound scary but it does fit my symptoms.

Pls help. thank you.

02-09-10, 16:34
hello there,

i just wanted to tell you that i read that the high level of TSH means that the thyroid is under working as the TSH is thyroid stimulating hormone and not the actuall hormones that the thyroid makes. As far as I understood, loads of stuff, including estrogen and i think that includes synthetic, block the action of thyroid hormones and causes the pituitary and hypothalmus to up the hormones that stimulate the thyroid to do its thing ( TSH) to make it make more hormones.

Also peripheral neuropathy has the exact same processes as anxiety and constant anxiety makes your circulation go less effective on stress mode, al lthe blood goes to the muscles and away from lots of other tissue and organs including the extremities hands and feet.

Dont take that as gospel obviously i have absolutely no medical training whatso ever other that obsessive google disorder !
