View Full Version : For got my meds

02-09-10, 07:27
I am in a state at the moment, when I got to work this morning I realised I forgot to take my meds last night. I am on 50g pristiq and have been for the past 9 months, it has worked a dream but when you forget it ....

I am feeling all spacy and my head is a tad foggy and heavy. That I can deal with it is the feeling of wanting to be sick that I can't. It is this slight feeling in my chest area that every now and again it comes in a crashing wave where I feel like I am going to be sick and my eyes well up.

All I want to do right now is burst out into tears and cry an ocean.

That in itself gets me in a state as that is what I was like when all my anx and panic started.

I know everything is OK etc but I just feel so vunerable and hopeless right now.

02-09-10, 12:52
Can you ask to go home early today? Ive forgotten my meds before and had to go home as my brain was all foggy.
Im not sure about your medication, but you could ring your gp and ask if you can take it earlier in the day so that you dont have to wait until this evening to take another one.
I hope today goes quickly for you.