View Full Version : please help

02-09-10, 08:58
ive been off work for 5 weeks and im off for another one then i go back to work.
The thing is ive been so worried about going back for the last 5 weeks its really stupid, ive got these stupid thoughts going round my head that i cannot go back because i'll have more panic attacks.
some morning just the thought of work makes me feel sick and really anxious.
i know i need to go back to stop this, but im so scared.
I popped into work yesterday to say hi and felt ok only because i know i wasnt there to work and wasnt staying.
im going to make an appt with the doc and ask him for a return back to work but slowly maybe part time to see how i get on.
ive got concelling next thursday it will be my first one, so hopefully that will help.

Please can anyone give me some advice on what to do.

Thank you

02-09-10, 09:07
hi sharon i used to have panic attacks at work used to take the odd week off.then they got worse not becouse of work diferent things.when i was sat at my counter i was fine until it was nearly time to go home im agraphobic u see so when i thought of going outside to get home i used to have terrable feeling in my stomach.it was awful.i think the best way to deal with it is to go in a bit at a time if you have a good boss they'll understand if you feel a panic coming then let it flow when it ends you'll feel really good.take something that explains panic syptoms with you then if it gets to bad and you start doubting then give it a read.thats wot i try and do.hope that helps x june

02-09-10, 09:19
Ah thank you so much June,
I know its the best thing to do, go back or other wise i'll prob just get worse.
Ive left jobs before because i was to scared to go back.
little at a time i think, slowly slowly.
Ive got a docs appt next fridday so will speak to him about it.
I only work from 9-3pm but it still feels like a life time if im panicing.
maybe i should do 9-12 or something, what do you think?

Hope you are ok today. xx

02-09-10, 09:51
hi sharon i think as little as possible at first.i tryed my hardest to get back to work but they wernt very helpfull the more they pushed me the harder it got finally i had to take medical retirement or i got the sack which feels really bad when youre only in your 30s.i've been out of work and on the sick for five years now i think if they'd have been a little more patcient then i would'nt be in mess now.like you ive left jobs due to panic but my last one i really liked.sods law i suppose:D

02-09-10, 09:54
is panic just at work or do you have it any other time?.

02-09-10, 15:34
Its mainly at work June, but i do sometimes get them in shops but they are not that bad because i know i can leave when ever i like. but work is diff you have to stay and not keep running off home. So bloody hard thou isnt it.
My boss is understanding but she wouldnt be if i had to have more time off.
Back to work slowly slowly i think. I dont care if they dont like it its just tuff something ive got to do for my self to get better.

hope you are feeling good today. xx

04-09-10, 12:19
hi sharon
glad to see you have some normality to your life.it all helps when we can get away from the anxiety for a while.work to live not live to work is my motto. if they dont like then tuff like u say theres plenty more work out there when your ready but keep trying and so will i .:) all the best x june

04-09-10, 13:39
When I went back to work after being off a couple of months, I started back part time. I worked mornings for two weeks, then went full time. I've been working full time for a couple of months now.

04-09-10, 13:59
Hi Sharon,

I had two weeks off work when my anxiety started and like you was incredibly scared about returning. To be honest I'm not even sure the two weeks off to relax helped me at all as all I could think about was returning and how awful and hard it was going to be to do so. I kind of wanted to get back as soon as I could. I found the anticipation of it much worse than actually going back. I did struggle for the first week and even created a bit of paper where I could tick off the hours as they went by until home time but I got through it and after the initial week was over I was MUCH better. I also felt better about having the normality of work back in my life. You might find this helps you too.

I think if you can do a staggered return to work you will be fine too, remember that it's always the thinking about it that is much worse than actually doing it.

Good luck and take care of you :)

04-09-10, 18:25

i had the same issue i had two weeks of work and went back the anticipation is worse.just put yourself first if your not ready dont go back yet.you will be fine and just think if you do feel a bit unwell you can always leave work if you need to.dont put too much pressure on yourself.i went back and i was fine.ive got a big meeting on wed which im dreading got to meet my boss and all my team worse situation for me as i think im going to have a panic and make a fool of myself.but i know i must go and try and cope with it..it is a struggle but we all ahve to try and fight these silly panics and not let them bring us down easier said than done i know good luck

04-09-10, 21:27
Thank you so so much for your replys, it really does help been able to speak to people that are going though the same.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend. xxx