View Full Version : dentist - aaah!

02-09-10, 10:56
My charming dentist informed me yesterday I need to get a filling and a scale and polish - which she has scheduled for Tuesday.. After googling a bit, I discovered the injection needed for fillings can cause you to go all funny, which I'm worried about, more so since I've got HA as well.. I'm also worried about the drill, last time it hurt a lot and I'm scared that will happen again :( I don't like lying there unable to do anything, I'm really worried. I know it'll be over quickly but I had a check up yesterday and hated every second, I just wanted out. What should I do? Can I put on my iPod to distract myself, is that allowed do you think? My mum says I can't make a fuss as they might refuse to treat me - she takes non epileptic seizures and they've refused to treat her because of that, so I'm quite scared.

02-09-10, 12:47
Make as much fuss as you feel is necessary!
Is your dentist aware you have anxiety problems? I had a very very mean dentist that told me I wouldnt be allowed to see an NHS dentist if i refused treatment. Needless to say I didnt see another dentist for years and ended up with very bad teeth all because of him telling me off when i was having a panic attack.
I finally plucked up the courage to see another dentist at a new surgery. On my first appointment I told them I suffered with anxiety and explained my situation. They were nothing but kind to me.
My dentist talks me through exactly what shes doing, so that I know itll be over soon. Ive listened to an mp3 player before too, so that will be fine. They also gave me a sign to give them if i need them to stop (raising my left hand).
Im sure your dentist will be very accomodating to you. Theyre aware their job is scary for a lot of people so they know how to make it as easy as possible for you.
As for the injection. Ive had fillings and i cant say ive ever felt anything wierd from them.

My tips would be to take a friend or your mum with you and have her sit in line of your vision. Take a stress toy or something you can hold and squeeze. Your mp3 with a relaxation app on it or some music you find calming.

Youll be fine :)

02-09-10, 12:56
Please please go and get your one filling done. Like Vixxy I had a bad experience where a dentist shouted at me for being panicky and never went back for 8yrs.
I moved dentist and have just finished 6 months of treatment to fix all my rotten teeth. My new dentist is brilliant. Explain that you are scared cos if they know they can help and explain everything to you and as Vixxy says give you a signal to make if you are feeling uncomfortable. My dentist explained to me that I was paying his wages so it was up to me to say what I wanted and how I wanted it done. I will now go every 6 months so that I never again have to go and get as much work done as I have just had to get done. If you are really scared about going go and see your doc and see if he will give you some diazepam. I get them just to take on the days I am going just to take the edge off the panic.

Good luck babes........just think 20mins and you'll be out of there.

Love Carol x

02-09-10, 13:18
Caz its so bad that we've both had a similar situation because of awful dentists. They really shouldnt be able to practise. I wish at the time I had lodged a complaint with someone, but I felt that it was all my fault and that I should suffer the consequnces of bad teeth.

02-09-10, 13:26
Me too...........with the result I have just lost 3 of my front teeth and now have a plate. I wish I had found my new dentist years ago and my teeth would still be in my mouth at night instead of lying beside the bed :D

Carol xx