View Full Version : Smaller eye/Droopy eyelid

02-09-10, 11:51
I am frantic with worry!! For a few weeks I have thought my face looks a little funny. Then I realised it its because my left eye looks a tiny bit smaller than my right eye - arghhhh. I had a goof look and see that my eyelid is slightly lower down.
I went to the opticians last week for a contact lense check up and he said this looks normal and quite a few of his patients have one lid slightly lower than the other.
My HA tells me I have a tumour though and I have a bit of a headache on and off.
Always one thing after another......
Please help me! xx

02-09-10, 12:25
I also have this. havent really focused on it until lately. Freaked out just like you. But then I found an old photo of myself and saw that it has been like that all the time. Take care and dont worry. When we conquer one symptom, another comes along. Conquer this one and head on.

03-09-10, 14:29
Please - has anyone else had this???? My eye feels a bit wierd and I have a headache. Am think the worse now:weep:. Stuck out in Germany away from family and getting v wound up....

03-09-10, 19:17
As silly as this may sound try it because it worked for me and could possibly for you. Put a couple of drops of visine in the affected eye and see if that will help open up the eye more.

I had a freak scare of this about a month ago. I got into the shower and when i got out i noticed a big diff in one of my eyes compared to the other, somehow it got irritated but was not red or anything. I went into a panic of course because it was very noticeable, my eyelid was drooped a lot for some reason. My eyes get red easily from allergies so i always have visine and i used that and within like 10min, my eye was back to normal with the other one.

If it does not work, you may want to get your thyroid levels checked because i know that abnormal thyroid, mainly "hyperthyroid" can cause droopy eyelids. I had a thyroid problem for 2 years and just now finally getting normal thyroid levels. A lot of people do not know they have until they get a blood test for it.

03-09-10, 20:26
to enlarge on the thyroid post - i worked as an advisor to a thryoid support group and was well trained. I would certainly ask you Dr for a thyroid function test just to rule it out as what can happen is that your smaller eye is not the problem as thats normal but its your other eye that is larger as in staring slightly as an overactive thryoid can cause this. Most people focus on the smaller eye not realising this is not smaller.
Its not something to panic about - if you also have been losing weight despite eating well and are full of energy then more reasons to get tested.

As we both say just something its worth checking to rule out and its a simple blood test.