View Full Version : my eyes feel dry and like they are going to close on me scared

02-09-10, 12:42
my eyes feel so dry and heavy it does seem to be wen my anxiety is high so is it that or is there some thing wrong with me feeling even more anxiouse because i am so aware of the eye prob right now so its a bit like a vicouse circal i am anxiouse my eyes feel dry and then i am awre of this makeing me more anxiuose lookin at all wat i ave wrote seems like i am talking in a viciuose circal as well any advice would be good lv trish xxx

02-09-10, 12:57
Hi trish.
It could be hayfever causing dry eyes. I get that in summer. Most people get watery eyes, mine dry up!
If not then try to keep your fuilds up and sleep with a window open to allow moisture into your home.
Nothing bad will happen to you if your eyes are dry, they just become a bit sore.

Kerry B
02-09-10, 15:41
Hi Trish why not try some artifical tear drops from the chemist they are really good for dry eyes I have to use them when Im at work as the PC and air con dries up my eyes. x

02-09-10, 23:20
thanks guys i asked my daughter to pick me some up as i am agraphobic and what do you no she bloody forgot them tipical kids lol take care lv trish x