View Full Version : Blocked Ear with Loud Whoosing Pulse

02-09-10, 12:53
Hi All,

I had a sensation that my left ear was blocked all last week.

I used som ear drops (Earex Advance) and a little olive oil but the ear is more blocked than ever and I can hear my pulse whoosing loudly through it 24/7. It was so loud last night it interrupted my sleep all night.

Can anyone offer me any advice?

Thank you so much.


02-09-10, 13:31
I would suggest that you see your doctor. If you have an inner ear infection you may need antibiotics to clear it.

02-09-10, 17:07
I have to have my ears syringed twice a year due a build up of wax that I cant control myself, when they block its a horrible feeling and feeling your pulse is perfectly normal its just due to the pressure in your ear....the sound cant escape if that makes sense,its nothing to worry about but you should see your gp to either get them syringed or as above to ensure there is no infection.

03-09-10, 10:47
Thank you people.

I saw the GP today, he said there was debris there and that I would need it syringed but not until next Thursday...seems a long time to wait, I hope an infection doesn't develop.

Should I keep using the drops or might they cause an infection?

03-09-10, 13:52
na drops wont cause an infection,keep using them because that softens the wax and makes it easier to be syringed