View Full Version : Late period

02-09-10, 14:10
My periods are usually every 3 weeks give or take a few days.This month its not arrived, I was due a week ago and still nothing has happened.Iv been told Im not menapausal and Im not pregnant so whats the problem.:ohmy:

Im of to Cornwall Saturday and my period would have been finished,it hasn't even started which has annoyed me.

I have had some niggles like you get,but nothing!!!!:shrug:

I have also had feelings of crawling on my skin,whats going on.:shrug:

02-09-10, 14:24
I had the exact same problem some months ago on consecutive months. Like you I also had all of the signs, niggles, crampy legs, etc. and I defo was not pregnant, but I was worried that I was pre-menopausal (I'm 38 years old) My normal cycle was around 33 days and I had gone 50 days or something and no show. Talk about panic, well I certainly did then!

Two things...firstly, when you dwell on the fact that your period hasn't appeared you can inadvertently make the situtaion worse as anxiety can screw up the hormones delaying it further so try to relax and see what occurs if you can. If you have been a bit under the weather it can delay a period too. My problem - and it is something just to bear in mind and I don't want to freak you out or anything - was that I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts which basically delay periods by messing with the hormones. It never occured to me that was the problem as I had no noticeable pain on the right side where my ovary was, just crampy period like pains which surprised the nurse scanning me! Eventually they usually disappear without treatment, but while you have them and even for some time after they have gone the hormones are still out of sync a bit and then things go back to normal again.

Just to comfort you a little, my periods have now returned to normal again and the cysts went on their own.

As I say, it is just something to bear in mind, and they are, I'm told, VERY COMMON so should your period continue to be problematic it may be worth a mention to your GP. Also,you mention the crawling skin and this is symptomatic of offset hormones too, so another reason to keep an eye on things.

It is a pain when you are going away for this to happen too, but the body is a tricky thing sometimes and even something trivial can trigger offset hormones. Try not to worry too much, play it by ear and if the status quo continues and there is a no show, consult your doc.


02-09-10, 16:45
Isnt it always the way when we have something coming up, holiday, Christmas, birthdays, romantic plans Mother nature has this evil way of making us late or early to coincide with said plans?! Its so annoying and happens to me all the time...last xmas though I was fifteen days late and yippee period free xmas and new year, which was a first!
Being late or early isnt anything to worry about, its just an incovenience. I hope you are a little later so you can get your travel plans done and dusted before it happens, dont worry, the more we worry the worse we seem to make things,
Have a good weekend and take care.

02-09-10, 17:09
Thank you for replies.I have hormonal problems going on.I had a scan a few years back and all was ok there. Im always stressed out so Im putting it down to that.I shall see what happend's.:hugs:

Thank you again.xxxxxx:hugs: