View Full Version : Newbie here so glad i found this site

02-09-10, 14:22
Hi everyone

I am new to this site joined yest & so glad i have found somewhere i can feel i am not alone in how i feel .....I am experiencing a lot of diff anxiety symptons lately & to be honest am exhausted but is good to read others peoples experiences & know i am not going mad or being silly.....


02-09-10, 14:23
Hi foxie39

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-09-10, 14:23
Hi foxie39

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-09-10, 14:43
Hi foxie39,

I'm new to the site too and completely agree. So glad to have found a site to share experiences with people. I suffer with anxiety and my panic attacks have recently reared their ugly head again after a stressy period lately, and just reading that I am (sadly) not alone gives me real comfort. YOU ARE DEFINITELY NOT GOING MAD OR SILLY (despite what some people who do not suffer with this may think unfortunately) and you are also not alone hun. I've been struggling with my anxiety again for a week or so now but am determined to fight it as I know I have the power within myself to face and conquer it as I have done before.......Stay strong xxxx

02-09-10, 14:56
Thanx Debs for the reply

I have always been an anxious person but have over the years learnt to live with it but this recent bout has knocked me for six to be honest !! .... i am a strong minded person & have told myself there is no way this is getting the better of me but at the moment the anxiety is there on a daily basis & i know im my own worst enemy cause im constantly thinkin about it which doesnt help matters .....today i just feel really spaced out & have a wierd blocked feeling in my ears which comes & goes but its the not sleeping which isnt helping as im not getting the rest i think i need my mind just doesnt seem to want to shut off & i can only manage about 3 hours broken sleep each night if im lucky .
Its just so nice to be able to say exactly how im feeling on here without any1 thinkin im being paranoid or stupid as everyone seems to have very similar stories i can relate to ..... my partner tries to be understanding but to be honest i think im starting to do his head in cause im not my normal bubbly self at all lately ...... how long have u suffered from this is the past ?? ..... :hugs:

Fly away Katie
02-09-10, 18:03
Hello :) Welcome to NMP x x xx

02-09-10, 19:07
Hi again foxie!

Well, I had a lot of health problems 6 years ago where I was unable to work in my job as a nurse, and spiralled into depression and anxiety from this to the point of suffering a breakdown, and you know foxie I NEVER thought I would recover from that and it frightened the hell out of me. I had 18 weeks of counselling through MIND which was a Godsend, and I have been on and off Citalopram since then, and am currently off it now for the past 3 months and up until this week (where I had a stressy thing going on in my relationship) I have been pretty ok, albeit with the odd anxiety attack and a bit of social anxiety periodically, but like you I am a born anxious person and have always been quite shy. This past week I have been waking up with a pounding heart and a sense of mental panic and doom, as well as the spaced out , 'out of body' feeling you have too, which frustrates me so much I can't tell you, but I am bloody minded now towards my panic attacks and that does help my mind set in dealing with them. Before I have always fallen back again and restarted the Citalopram but this time NO WAY!!! I do find also that when I make a conserted effort to get moving and busy it really helps to occupy my mind away from how I'm feeling.

I totally relate to the dwelling on and thinking about the way you feel as I do that myself, but then mentally I just chant a mantra to myself 'don't be stupid, it's just a panic attack and it'll pass' and I really feel this helps as well as the keeping busy as I said.We are defo our worst enemies!

Try also to tell yourself that this is a glitch at the moment, a bad period, which WILL PASS too, something conquerable (is that a word? lol!!) which you will overcome again. It is hard to think positively when you feel so dreadful I know but it helps I think. If you have a good, suportive partner I'm sure he totally understands how you feel too, and please don't worry or feel guilty about that as you will feel even worse hun.

This site is great as you said as we can all vent at each other without fear of judgement. Any time you need to chat or just say how you are feeling I for one am here..... Lots of love.x

02-09-10, 21:57
Thanx for your reply Debs so nice to talk to people who truly understand ...my mum is a great help as she has suffered a nervous breakdown & depression when i was little so she understands to a certain degree how i feel somedays ..... i had a very bad reaction to citralpram about 6 weeks ago which triggered my anxiety to the max & for several days i was afraid to go out but i have made the effort every day since then to try & carry on with day to day stuff as normal .

I have 3 kids who are teenagers who i must admit have been great with me through this ..i havent gone into detail how i am feeling but they are aware that i am better somedays than others & the days i find hard with my anxiety i tell them & they are very helpful ..... i have made a point of still getting out with them even if somedays i just wana stay home for example today my son & eldest daughter wanted haircuts so i took them & even tho whilst sat waiting i felt my anxiety building i made myself sit there & deal with it .....scary feeling whilst i was sat there but i will not allow it to rule me

Since my bad episode reaction to the tablet i took i am afraid to try anything else so am hoping i can get thru this with just the help of my propranolol which i take as & when i feel i need to. My doc has suggested i take it twice a day for a while to help me thru but im undecided as to whether i will or no ?

So nice to just be able to chat & know im not alone in this ..... Julie xxx :hugs:

02-09-10, 22:57
Hey Julie....it is so good that you are able to get out and do stuff though you feel the anxiety. That in itself is a big victory and just remind yourself of that every time as it confirms that YOU have the power over the anxiety and IT does not control you!!!

It is ironic about your Mum, as my Dad has suffered two nervous breakdowns many years ago and has ongoing phobias so he was my rock when I was very ill. It really helps to have someone who can relate to the way you are feeling. I remember when I was in the eye of the storm of my breakdown asking him ' did you feel like this too?' and just to have him say yes was such a comfort.

May I ask Julie, when you had the bad reaction to the Citalopram were you just starting it or had the dose changed? The reason I ask is I too had awful side effects from it when I first started it and periodically since when I was going back on it and coming off it again. Mine included worsened anxiety, feeling spaced out and scared and very nauseous. It was awful but I just so wanted to feel better when I first started on them 6 years ago I weathered it but it was VERY hard. I can understand your fear to start something else. It is such a pain that these side effects occur with antideps at a time when you really need something that won't make you feel worse before you feel better!

Just for the record you sound like you are being really strong Julie so hang in there.x

02-09-10, 23:45
Hi all, new to site also, just joined... going through lot of anxiety at the moment, (least thats what I think it is!) so it's good to read other peoples experiences and be able to relate so don't feel completely alone !

17-09-10, 18:03
hi Debs

sorry took so long 2 reply have had quite a good last few weeks wiv more good days then bad which is good ..... i had never taken any type of ad's before & only took the 1 tablet & had a very extreme reaction to it scared the hell out of me my partner had to rush my to my gp ....havent taken anything since have decided to fight this without medication mainly cause im afraid of another bad reaction on a diff tablet.
Have started to have a lot clearer head this past few weeks but must admit have seem to have developed a health anxiety every lil pain or dizzy spell & im freaking myself out thinkin summit really bad gonna happen to me.... sleeping has improved sleeping bit longer now but i have been suffering from morning anxiety which some days takes hours to lift but i try & get thru it the best i can
The kids are back at school now which has made me feel uneasy as im alone all day at home with time to think which in turn then makes me anxious ..... every morn i feel dizzy , tummy ache & nearly every morn when i wake up i have to go straight to the loo with diahorrea which i think is just yet another sympton of how im feeling ??? .....i still wake in the night feeling very scared of what i dont know but iv been tryin to not put the tv & get bk to sleep ....some nites it works others i lay there feeling awful watchin the daylight come in.

In general i am feeling better than i was & i start my couselling next week which im looking forward to but also know just goin will make me anxious.... im just hoping im starting to turn a corner but i think my real fear is the fear of the anxiety itself & how scared it makes me. Im hoping there is some light at the end of this tunnel ?

Hope things with you are ok & life is being kind to you right now

Julie xxx

17-09-10, 18:33
Hi Julie,

glad yer feeling better lately.:hugs:

I just wanted to let you know that yer not alone with what happened to you on your first AD, a long time ago back when I was still married, I was given an AD to help me get over depression, mine is due to the chronic pain I suffer & partly other reasons but they didn't know that at the time. I'd taken these tablets for just 2 days & suddenly I found it was almost 3 days later and the local doctor was sitting next to my bed in the house, he explained that I'd taken a bad reaction to the meds, I honestly don't know what happened during those 'missing' days. He explained it was very rare but it can happen to some people on their first try of AD's. I don't mind now what the tabs were but like the doc said everyone is different so different tabs for different folk.

Anyhoo, I just wanted you to know you weren't alone in that. :blush:

I'm glad you're feeling better tho & I do hope ye get thru the tunnel to the brightside. :hugs:

Take care, be safe & have a belated welcome to the forum hug.:bighug1: