View Full Version : Why dont we believe we have anxitey

02-09-10, 14:31
Hi my name is Ian, i would like to start by saying why dont we ever believe we have Anxitey? well lets start with how we used to feel we was fine we could do things like go out we could run and play, we could even cook food we could talk to our friends so on, right all of a sudden some of us have a Panic Attack and god do we think we are dying yes because its such a weird feeling that hits us somthing we dont understand, our Herats will race we might get hot and cold feelings tingling feelings a feeling of doom we are going to die, but wait hold on, we didnt die did we NO, and yes we can get them form time to time or even everyday, but think very hard we are all still here, talking in the Forum, but what about Anxitey why do we suffer from this, good Question, why do we get really weired symptoms/ fast heart rate now this can happen all day or on and off all day or once in a while, Chest pains again the same, hot feelings/ cold feelings, Tingling Fellings, Dizzy feeling light headed feelings like we are being pushed and we are going to fall, But think again, we are still here, how long does this last days months years? well thats down to us only we can sort this out no Doctor in the world can help us, Meds only mask the symptoms wont ever cure you, will malke you feel better but thats it, Now im a fine one to talk as i suffer every day and still do but i know its anxitey as if it wasnt i would be getting worse wouldnt I? now ive had Anxitey since 1989, but it wasnt there all the time it might of been there for a year then go for 4 years then come baack again this is what anxitey does to us, and it comes back worse, well i hope someone can come back to me and let me know if you suffer like this many thanks for reading my post ian

02-09-10, 17:01
I quite enjoyed reading that......the bit that baffles me the most is what causes anxiety, I realise there's probably 101 different reasons but for someone like myself that was enjoying life and genuinly had no major stresses it turned my whole life upside down in a matter of weeks for no apparent reason......or none that I can see.

02-09-10, 18:16
Davey i would like to answere your Question, anything can cause Anxitey mine started back in 1989 over my dad Passing away fro a masive heart attack, he was 61, my anxitey was high thinking i was going to go the same way, but having support from my mum the Anxitey went after 1 year, as the years went on and thinking life was a bed of roses i was so wrong, not knowing whats around the corner bang it hit me again in 1998, yes 9 years down the line why did it come back worse than before? who knows why but it does come back was it because my way of thinking was it because i felt a pain in my chest or was it a racing heart? see the thing is we could just be sitting there one night watching Tv and then all of a sudden we get a weired feeling then your mind goes on over drive, thats it its Back.
Well yes it was back god how long this time who do i see who do i ask for help is there really somthing wrong with me am i going mad? the answere to that is no we are not going mad its just the symptoms we suffer that make use feel worse. Well again it lasted only a few months this time as i knew what i was going through before,
Ok now Aug 2009 11 years later my mum passed away from Cancer my Rock my Life my everything, well it was a big knock in my life who can i turn to now for advice for the love and support ive always had, No one what a Doctor no way all they ever want to do is say your ok take the meds you will be fine, its not like this i need my life i need the love and support i once had, Nov 2009 3 months after my mum Passing, well what hit me was just out of this world i really thought i was dying i knew what i felt before but this was just so bad the feelings and symptoms i had, Racing heart 200 beats a min, Clamey hands Numbness through my whole body, couldnt control my blader nearly wet myself, thsi was while i was driving so you see anything can bring this on im still here 10 months down the line with High Anxitey, health anxitey, worry about the heart, dizzy spells all day, ive been to A&E since Nov last year 98 times, had 200 ECGs Echo of the heart MRI Scan of the Brain, Blood Tests so many ive lost count, Please understand Anxitey can take a hold of our lives if you let it, i know it has with me, but i know that its Anxitey now yes now i must stress that, you need to believe that you have Anxitey or we will never get over how we feel, i hope this has put some light on how i feel in my life..... Ian

02-09-10, 22:33
well said ian its so true atthe end of the day we can only help ourselves but it is a weired and very strange condtion that many many people suffer for months or even yrs and its all down to the stress we encounter everyday our minds are a very powerfull tool they serve us well when we need them but they are also our own worst enemy at times of stress

02-09-10, 22:48
Hi Josparks, yes this is so true, but what about when we just dont think we are stressed or anxious, how do we know when we are like this, when we get a feeling or symptom how do we know its Anxitey? how do we know this isnt really somthing wrong with us? yes we know inside that we have had these feelings for a long time now but then why do we really think there is somthing wrong this time this could be it im on my way out the thoughts are so strong, its like chest pain we are told to ring 999 whenever we get chest pain just in case it a heart attack, so yes our minds are very powerfull and can take over our lives in a very big way, this is why we need to understand its Anxitey, but hold on one moment what if yes what if its the heart this time what if its a clot what IF it a word we dont want to hear, are we going to suffer from these symptoms the answere to that is NO we wont die from Anxitey but and again we still not sure are we, the word what if.....so people like us with Anxitey dont know what to believe do we No, we just nee to take the word of the Doctor and Hospital, yes this is true if we have had test after test then surly we must be fine? Point i need to prove here is when we are told from a Doctor or from the Hospital we are ok, how do we feel? great why do we becuase we believe what the Doc and the Hospital are telling us, so we walk out after being told we are ok and we are fine for an hour even a day, but then the Anxitey comes back and where do we end up again the hospital or Doctors, only to be told its Anxitey, this is a point to take on board we are still here Alive yes do you agree? well i hope once again this helps Ian

02-09-10, 23:02
yes i agree very much we are still here and yes we dont know when its real or not we spend so much time worring that somethings wrong when theres not that 1 day yes we could be ill we need to retrain how we think a lot of what we have is learnt behaiviour because of our anx cos our minds have learnt to think this way our ha has conditioned our brains to look for illness all the time our subcontious takes over due to learnt behaviour over a period of yrs this is why its harder for long time sufferers to cope with this and it will take time to relearn how to think and not focus on our body and our illness evrything we feel gets focused on tenfold and thats where the mind takes over and the body reacts its a viciuos circle and very hard to break but hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel somwhere